[A-RP] The Botany Band presents: Evergreen Expeditions!

A leaflet is placed on a local billboard, not quite as neatly as you might expect from a Botany Band announcement:

On the next Night of the Moon the Botany Band will embark on a special journey! Amongst the rivers, lakes and ponds of Wetlands we will search for precious plants and fascinating fungi to add to our Greenhouse’s ever-growing collection. Our expedition will delve into the dampest corners of the land to hunt down the rarest and most elusive botanical specimen.

Attention! Bring weather-appropriate clothing and waterproof shoes! Bug repellent ointments highly recommended.

Quest Objective: Meet with The Botany Band in the Greenhouse at the Magus Commerce Exchange in Dalaran (Broken Isles) on Monday the 2 of September at 20:00 CET.

The Botany Band is a roleplay guild with focus on adventurous study of plantlife. Led by Kuhuine Tenderstride we welcome every friendly adventurer with a green thumb! :herb:

OOC: Hello Sha’glade Cartel!

Evergreen Expeditions are a new type of content added to the Band’s repertoire!

Each Expedition will be centered around a specific zone or location, which we will freely explore to search for the many lesser-known plants. We might even make some discoveries of our own! Have you ever wanted a herb (or a funky fungus) named after you? Do you love to walk around and dig in the dirt? Or maybe you just want to enjoy some fresh air? Join the next Evergreen Expedition and keep your eyes (and nose) open!

Oh, and… Don’t get eaten by crocodiles. Very important. :crocodile:


Looking forward to it. Isilae will be there.

EDIT: Unfortunately, real life has reared it’s ugly head and demanded my time this evening :frowning:. I’m sure it will be a great event though and I look forward to hearing about it :slight_smile:


I (or an alt) would very much like to join, but I have a RL social thing.

I have been quite absent from Azeroth these last weeks, because new job… And, umm… Netflix.

Hopefully I’ll (or some alt will) get some BB some other time(s), you guys are always intriguing :grinning:

I heard you made some fresh-faced orc monk very …intrigued… the first time he attended a Botany Band event :wink:


Have a wonderful time tonight :four_leaf_clover:



Bring a pair of wellies.


Expedition Log #1:

Crimson Snakeleaf
Also known as swamp asparagus, this plant grows in clusters of stiff, stalk-like leaves. It grows in very shallow pools of standing water and is quite easy to spot thanks to the distinctive dotted pattern that appears on mature plants.

Crimson snakeleaf is very nutritious, although its distinctively muddy taste leaves much to be desired.

This peculiar mushroom owes its name to a certain resemblance its square-like shape bears to crocolisk scales. The impression is even stronger due to fact that crockstickers grow in large colonies and prefer semi-submerged locations. Many careless botanists have lost their lives after mistaking a lurking crocolisk for a particularly promising crocsticker cluster.

The mushroom’s cap is quite shiny, feels bouncy to the touch, and has a yellow-green colour sparsely dotted with brown patches. It’s also quite dense, which makes it easy to pluck individual mushrooms out of the colony.

While these mushrooms don’t have any alchemical properties, crocstickers are coveted as a regional delicacy. Deep-frying them turns them into delightfully crispy bite-sized wonders that work perfectly with dwarven ale.

Broda’s Blacklily
This elusive and exceptionally beautiful type of water lily can be found only in a few select spots in central Wetlands. Curiously enough, while most lilies require still water to flourish, Broda’s Blacklily is one of the very few variations that actually thrive better in rivers.

The plant boasts large oval-shaped leaves and unusually large flowers. Their striking black petals are the plant’s most distinctive feature. Powdered blacklily petals are an ingredient of one of Azeroth’s most expensive inscription inks.

This large carnivorous plant is a bane of not only insects, but also rodents and small lizards.

Barrelbulbs grow with the gnome-sized bulb pointing straight up, surrounded by short grey-green flat leaves. In the middle of the bulb there is a large indent in the shape of a shallow bowl, in which pools a thin layer of oil-like substance.

That aromatic sweet-smelling oil has very strong psychoactive properties. When ingested it induces an overwhelming sense of apathy and numbness and as such can be a potent ingredient in strong sleep potions or heavy-duty painkillers.

A mysterious plant found by Azaila Moonseeker in the southern area of Wetlands. Growing in relatively deep water, it looks like a floating seed pod surrounded by wispy, frill-like leaves. A single cord of root is reaching all the way to the bottom, where it anchors itself to the ground.

In-depth examination required.


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