Make Quel’thalas great again!
With Theon as it’s King
Make Quel’thalas great again!
With Theon as it’s King
Just gotta repair the walls
Edit: Theon wouldn’t want to be King. Anduin is his King.
Oh, very well…
But Quel’thalas needs a King…
We will keep Lor’themar, the Sin’dorei were gunna join the Alliance before SOMEONE decided to start imprisoning them and killing them in Dalaran…
Forsaken shall raise him to purge the INHUMAN BEASTS from horde
(Or inforsaken beasts??)
I love how the Alliance races work well together though, it’s one of the fun things about doing Seventh RP ^^
Dog Tags
Finally the day came, four days too late perhaps, but it had not been an easy process, High Command had finally decided that Lieutenant Dawnstrider would bear the news of the fallen Alliance soldiers to their next of kin. With the survivors now heading home, it was time for the news to come to those who were waiting for their loved ones to walk back through the door.
With a heavy heart, Legionary Valadian and Lieutenant Dawnstrider made their way to the first address Elijah Maurer, of the 4th Regiment of Foot, his mother and younger brother were waiting for him to return, the pair of Seventh Legion, in full uniform knocked and waited, removing their helms. Raiyen was carrying the Alliance flag folded in his hands with the dog tag placed delicately in it’s centre.
They spent time with the mother and younger brother, his name was Lewis and he had always wanted to follow in his brother’s footsteps. He had taken the flag from Raiyen and gone upstairs with it, his mother ushered them into the lounge and made them tea, as the talked about the service given to the Alliance by Elijah.
Lewis came back down stairs, staring at them all for a moment before he took Raiyen’s hand, leading him up the stairs which caused the tall elf to feel uncomfortable but he remained silent and simply followed. They entered Lewis’ bedroom and Raiyen was presented with a slightly lopsided Alliance flag hung above the younger brother’s bed.
“Is…. do you think… Do you think Elijah would like it?”
“I do. I think ‘e’d be proud of ya.”
Lewis beamed up at Raiyen before he began to cry, the Legionary knelt down and gave him a hug, much like he would for his own younger siblings.
“S-sorry I am weak and c-crying…”
“You’re allowed to cry. It don’t show weakness, it shows that ya care.”
Lewis wiped his tears away and nodded. “I will be brave for mum.” he stated plainly as he puffed out his chest and made his way back downstairs with Raiyen following behind. The Lieutenant rose as she saw them both and muttered thanks and apologies to the family once more before they left.“Two more…” she muttered as they made their way over to Red Ridge.
Samuel Vimes’ family were next, they walked to the small cottage, and repeated the simple gestures of respect, knocking, removing their helms and presenting the Alliance flag folded with the dog tags placed in the centre on top. A young lady around the fallen soldiers age answered the door and stared at them for a moment before breaking down, she collapsed to her knees and sobbed.
The Lieutenant knelt beside her and waited until she was ready, when the young lady glanced up at Neresa, her eyes were raw and sad, no one else was home, so they waited with her inside, Raiyen watched with slight intrigue as the Lieutenant set about making tea and then simply talking to the lady, it turned out her name was Elizabeth Young and she had been the childhood sweetheart of Samuel.
An hour later a gruff man, who looked every part the lumberjack entered the cottage, his gaze fell on Raiyen, who still held the flag and dog tags and he scowled before making his way into the lounge. As his gaze fell upon Elizabeth and her puffy tear stained face and he bellowed.
“What’s the big idea! Don’t you people have any respect! How could you come here and do this to her!”
He turned on Raiyen, aiming to take a swing for him. Apparently he was dealing with the loss of his son by being aggressive, it was to be expected, some cry, some get angry. However, the Legionary was in no mood to drop the flag or dog tags and simply shadow stepped across the room.
“Mr Vimes. If you could please refrain from striking my Legionary I would be highly appreciative. We were sent by High Command. We would like to express our sincerest apologies for your loss.”
“You can get the heck out of my house that is what you can do! Go on! Get!”
He pointed towards the door and Raiyen laid the flag and dog tags upon the table before walking out of the house without a word, the Lieutenant followed and they made their way back towards Stormwind and their final destination. Benjamin Wood, he had lived with his older brother, both their parents had passed away when they were just children.
Knocking, they waited in a similar fashion to the two previous homes, the door opened and there stood one of Raiyen’s childhood friends. Taken back a little he let out a slight gasp of surprise before the Lieutenant cleared her throat. Averting his gaze, Raiyen offered forward the flag and dog tags as the Lieutenant spoke, revealing to the older brother who Raiyen knew as Ethan that Benjamin was not coming home.
Ethan’s gaze lingered on Raiyen for a moment, they knew each other in school, Ethan sighed before he took the flag and dog tag, he stared at the items in his hands for a long moment, before he muttered “I’m…. alone….” then shifted to stare at the pair again.
“Thank you for letting me know.”
The door slammed shut in their face and they both glanced at one another before making their way back through the city, the sorrow of their role hung between them like a dark cloud, as they got to the keep drawbridge they both glanced up towards the keep and let out a synchronised sigh. Raiyen rubbed the back of his neck before saluting the Lieutenant, who returned the salute. As he turned to leave he spoke in a low tone.
“Let’s ‘ope we never ‘ave to do that for one of ours…”
Our last couple of days now before the Silverpine event kicks off~
And with that the Legion has struck into Silverpine. The first strike belongs to us.
Make Nerth Blue again! Fer teh Nerth!
Stoooop I don’t wana be a zealot screaming about the light, I just wana have my Sharpe fantasy in peace!
OCH Well, not all Light followers are zealot! But very well!
Turns to a Human
An karanir Thanagor! Long live the King!
Crusades inwardly.
This reminds me I should move my paladin to the Alliance…
No no, keep it!
But have on Alliance aswell
The Silver Hand welcomes you
Esarus thar no’Darador
Today the Legion lost a brother in arms, rest in peace Legionary Olgard. He fell in a rescue mission to save a member of the Three Hammers and Kul Tiran Knights. The Seventh is going to feel the loss of such a great character. The feel for vengeance is high. Loyal to their oath the Seventh recovered the body of their fallen brother, and he will be laid to rest tomorrow evening.
Taking Shadowfang
Sneaking in was the easy part. The duo used their grapples and made their way almost silently on top of the Shadowfang Keep outer walls. The Forsaken that milled around seemed to be rather bored of their role as Keep protectors, only a dozen or so were there, but it was a token force, that was why they had rigged the main gate and entrance into Shadowfang.
The duo made their way into the gate house, with a grin they nodded to one another and carefully created a Rift within the stairwell of the gate house on the left side as it seemed to be less used, the Rift would lead back to the Seventh Legion camp to the south. Very carefully they began to ease away each barrel of explosive, with delicate precision they made their way through the Rift and placed them at the rear of the camp, closer to the Gilnean wall but away from direct firing line if the Horde noticed them.
They had moved seven of the twenty barrels when they ran into trouble, as the pair of Ren’dorei made their way back into the Keep, they paused and entered the shadows, just in time. A Forsaken guard came to the main gate, but oddly he seemed to be in a daze, walking past the barrels and up the stairs on the right, luckily he was a creature of habit, he was grumbling something about the Alliance in gutterspeak, only a couple of words were distinguishable to the Legionaries.
Carefully, they took it in turns to start moving a few more barrels, just as Legionary Dawnsong had picked up another barrel and was headed towards the Rift, the Forsaken returned, Legionary Valadian acted with such speed it was nothing but a blur and strangled gurgling. Slitting the throat of the Forsaken before he even managed to raise the alarm. Unfortunately they would have to act faster now.
Swiftly but carefully they transported the rest of the barrels, before tossing the Forsaken’s body through the Rift as well. A yelp came from someone at the camp as the body landed with a thud at their feet the duo stepping through and closing the Rift behind them. Moving to the Commander they stood proud before him before saluting.
“Valadian, Dawnsong…. Why is there a Forsaken body in my camp?”
“Apologies Commander, we will dispose of it, it was part of a small problem that arose…”
“Sir, the Gate is now clear, all explosives are in the Camp where you wanted them.”
The pair of Ren’dorei glanced at each other before looking at their Commander, practically as one they stated the same thing;
“They will notice their mate has gone soon, Sir.”
“Indeed they will…”
The Commander turned on his heel and moved to the centre of the camp, his gaze shifting to those around him, somewhere making cups of tea, others were watching the marshes. With a thin grin the Commander shifted, his voice enhanced by the magic upon his mask as he spoke, it was loud but not as loud as it was on the front, his words only echoed around their camp;
“Legion! Form up. We move to take Shadowfang Keep.”
The Seventh Legion will be fighting to avenge their fallen brother after celebrating his life with his kin from Ironbrand Reserves and Three Hammers. You will always live on in hearts and our battle cries Olgard Cladheart.
Olgard will be missed and remembered as a hero who sacrificed his life… An honored hero
He will be avenged in the name of the Light!
LOK’TAR- Err, Esarus thar no’Darador
Day 2 of the campaign the Seventh are fighting hard and enjoying what RP-PvP we can get!