A thread which should be unnecessary: OOCers

“Lmao I’m so cool, I never felt so fullfilled like when people think me saying I want to torture people IRL is wrong, Lool. Finally my parents will love me!”


Is that a threat?

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Weird, I smell a forum vacation incoming

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thats a weirdchamp from me king

Sweden. Any more questions?

“Why do people not want based OOCers like me on the realm?”

1 sec later: references to IRL violence + wanting to grief

Nice one edged out OOCel


Not everyone is going to dance to your tune. You act like a pouty child rn

You should stop

dont go outside vixi im gonna beat u up!!! xd

You got places such as the vally of strength and the trade district not really being used for RP because OOCers roam them so much at all times, and if you walk through these places with an RP group. Some of them will start following you and say weird things or run around on huge mounts.
So yes, join or leave. Figure out if you want to roleplay or not, if you don’t, get off the server mate.


Or what? You’re going to lash out against strangers on the forums?

Definition of insecurity right here.


It’s 100% weird behaviour when absolutely 0 people have been rude or mean spirited towards you and now you’re entering pink wojak mode and threatening people because you imagined something that wasn’t there


You type like someone who isn’t planning to go outside this week either


Dude this is banter.
Im going nowhere irl.
Although since Retail has the most sensitive playerbase, im probably already reported, but that’s fine.
ily2 y’all

Don’t be afraid. He probably cannot even change his diaper without help.

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uh oh

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Death threats aren’t banter, pls vacate my server now ty


ok ted bundy.


ah yes the famous “banter” excuse
next time, maybe check if your bants actually land.

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