Ability that lets you heal while in Iceblock?

Well, I didn’t wanne go to much into it, but since you are being kinda rude, maybe I should just let you know that your math and logic is totally wrong, with instanced PvP and vers included, the nerf will maybe be a 10% lesser shield, maybe a little bit more but you will hardly notice the difference.

The tankiest? Where did pull that from?
Since you don’t know, let’s list Mage’s defensives:

  1. Alter Time - Has to be pre-planned, is purgable, can’t be used while stunned.
  2. Barrier - Is purgable
  3. Ice Block - Can be removed by Warrior/Priest, long CD, can’t move/attack while active.

Arcane also has Temporal Shield (which can be purged too) and Greater Invisibility, but struggles in PvP rn.
So yeah that’s it.
Also got 2 endurance conduits (which everyone have), that add some heal to Barrier and Ice Block.
Triune Ward is nerfed and it now just gives an extra half absorb of the main Barrier value. And don’t forget we lose offensive power for this.
If you can’t kill a Mage, it’s a you problem.


Triune nerf was expected, it was way too good.
Fire and Arcane are gonna be still fine surviving, but Frost is even worse now, it already struggled to survive with pre-nerf triune.

It was 65, not 95… the nerf will be noticeable, but let’s not pretend they’re halving the power of that legendary

Technically the “bonus” shield value is almost halved, since it used to be 65% x 3 = 195% shield and now it’s 150%, which is only 50% extra from the normal barriers, down from 95% extra.
The nerf is fine for Fire, since it mostly benefits froms the extra buffs and the slow/magic dmg reduction from the barriers.
Arcane doesn’t really need it to survive in most match-ups.
It’s just a fat nerf to frost mostly.


How do you calculate it as 10% less absorbed? My understanding is:
3 barriers at 65% is 195%
3 barriers at 50% is 150%
We lose 45% in total barrier amount, this also has a knock on effect to our conduit which heals us a % that we absorb [smaller barrier, smaller total percent each absorb can heal us].

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He’s talking about the extra barrier we get from the legendary. A barrier without the legendary equipped is a regular 100% barrier. Before the nerf with the legendary we’d get 3 barriers at 65% of a regular barrier, that’d total to 195% of barriers. Nearly twice the size [95%] of a barrier without the legendary equipped.

With the nerf we get the 3 barriers at 50%, combined those 3 barriers equal 150% of a regular barrier without the legendary, which is 1 and a half barriers [50%].

Only time will tell if this nerf was too much, but it’s a 15%x3 reduction, not 15%.

I agree it’s not reducing the legendary by half though. Even if the amount absorbed is close to being reduced by half, as we still get the benefits from all 3 barriers.
I feel like the legendary will be better for fire than it will be for the other 2 specs. Getting the slow from frost and damage reduction from arcane.

I do like Triune ward, its fun for running around world and pvp, but if they nerf it to the point its hardly worth using, all that will happen is swap to a dps legendary instead.

The dispel spammers are already qq ing on pvp forum that it should be one barrier, so they can go back to dispel/deleting our dps.

Can people not do math anymore?

3 x 65% = 195%

3 x 50% = 150%

Therefore, the bonus shield that the legendary provides is going from 95% to 50%…

You should’ve worded it better, then. I am capable of doing math, but not so much mind reading.

I literally could not have been clearer.

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