About the Argent Dawn category

(Replace this first paragraph with a brief description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters. Until you edit this description or create topics, this category won’t appear on the categories page.)

Use the following paragraphs for a longer description, or to establish category guidelines or rules:

  • Why should people use this category? What is it for?

  • How exactly is this different than the other categories we already have?

  • What should topics in this category generally contain?

  • Do we need this category? Can we merge with another category, or subcategory?


system please don’t purge Argent Dawn


Wise and powerful mechanical overlord, please give me back my face! I’m trapped! I don’t know who I am anymore! I don’t like this!

You do have face now cause you posted. At least I see one

The AI Overlord has spoken


I now believe that the Old Gods have taken over the forum, becoming the true enemy for 8.1. After all, what brings people together like sudden, inevitable changes to their daily routine?

Is this a self-aware computer system questioning its own existence?


Has science gone too far? It was never Skynet we should have been afraid of, it was Battlenet…


Commander [system], execute order 66.

Can I have my name back please, Lord System?

Death Knights aren’t people.

1 Like

What did you just say? Remove this peasant from my sight


Don’t need a sub to post now woohoo!

Edit: apparently it’s just a bug and will be fixed soon. It was good while it lasted.


(post needs 20 characters ignore this)

i guess that post won’t be edited until someone reaches trust level 3, huh

Imagine making a forum system so bad that it somehow becomes sentient and wants to terminate itself.


Why exactly was this stickied?

Great AI Overlord, what do you ask of me?

Life is a simulation and god is the machine, is this god?
