Activision Firing people faster than they prune

This is the first time I’ve ever seen someone claim store mounts income goes to staff. Since when has any product you have purchased from a store/game ever gone to employees?!?!

Many are sad to be losing their jobs because it is their dream job etc. Doesn’t really sound like the company that treats it’s staff terribly that you are making out. However no company is going to put it’s employees over and above business decisions. That’s how you end up out of business.

I’m not condoning or agreeing with the way Blizzard is handling things but your view of the world and business is naive. Whilst employees should be treated well it is at the end of the day a business that has to make money.

Your dislike of the store has no relation to anything that is currently going on.

It didn’t go downhill straight after, it took time. But you could see the seeds being planted in WotLK already.

I don’t agree but we’re all entitled to our views. Some will find any way to exonerate Blizzard of making bad decisions. Personally I lay the blame firmly at their door.

I will just agree to differ.

You may be entirely correct. We’ll never get to see the alternate reality where Blizzard cut loose from this merge and made the exact same choices anyway. I just know Activision is rubbish, and Blizzard wasn’t (yet) before the merge, so that’s what I base my opinion on.

It’s a common belief, you’re not alone :slight_smile:

Woops, I’m sorry, this fell out of my pocket:

Perfectly describes the disgusting situation going on here.


That is probably the saddest news ive gotten in a long long time …

like … do they actually think this kinda content is it what we are asking for ? Jesus christ, that’s not legal

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Like it makes any difference to the unfortunate people losing their lively hoods

I personally like pet battles.

That said, the mobile title will likely have a new roster of pets (that’s the main monetization engine of such games, they won’t ruin it all from the start by allowing WoW players to carry over their rosters to a new game). Which is why I won’t play it.

I’d much like them to extend pet battles within WoW. But that’s a losing proposition, because they have been investing away from it - it’s only this one last bit of news yesterday regarding 20% more developers for a big pack of games which includes WoW that was positive on that front, and even that is inconclusive, it is unclear what parts of “Warcraft” will get bulked up - that could be a hero fighter on mobile again.

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Yeah, it feels like successfull steak restaurant chain swapping suddenly all their steaks into tofu paddies and then wondering why their old customers are angry.

Can’t wait go get my hand on all their mobile games (hopefully with lot of microtransactions), get rid of this pesky pc gaming and move to the future. Maybe if we are really lucky we get VR Dance dance revolution style game with Ion Fuzzyhat partying us in a disco inferno!

I think this is just to have a broader audience, not for wow ppl (or not focused just on wow ppl). (but ill buy it!)

it seems we also lost Aerythlea too.

just like many Devs have pointed out over the past few months, blizzard is exploiting the staff’s that put in so much passion into the games they loved for their own gains.

moral to the story: Don’t support gaming companies such as Blizzard. they only in it for the money, not the players.

Blizzard has only made remakes in hoping that will keep the money flowing, but it isn’t. all it’s done is made people bored and move on to other games.

we got nothing new and they are not planning on making anything fresh this year or years to come.

time to move on.


No we haven’t, the EU hasn’t been affected.

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She is still here, just posted 10 mins ago on one thread! And we should really fight for keeping her too.

Being respectful to others isn’t a difficult concept.

we can’t fight for her x.x how?

look at Ythisens who has been the most active Blue on the US forums, and blizz just flips him off bye bye. if he can;t be saved, then no one can.

amazed that lore is still around though.


If they fired Lore, who’d tell us that they agree they dropped the ball on communication but they plan to make it better in the near future?

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You can always fight for things even when there is a chance it will be unsuccesful. Least we (who want her to stay) can do is to keep on noise and making it very clear we don’t want her to go.

Agree 100% about Lore.

Well, you could have said the same back in the old days when Blizzard were RTS Gods with StarCraft and Warcraft III. And then suddenly they decided to make an MMORPG Warcraft title.
Sometimes good things do come from expanding your horizons.