Add Dungeon Finder

My suggestion is to add Dungeon Finder. I dont know why most of the people doesnt like the idea. Dont you like to save your time spamming the LFG chat for 1 hour and get nothing in change? Well im tired of that, if i work 8 hours a day, have to clean my house, go to buy food, cook, sleep, spend time with my gf, well i cant afford myself to waste hours to find a group and then play the dungeon. So, 2 hours to find a group and then play the dungeon? Thats 2 hours waste. Yeah if youre a nerd that lives in a room and doesnt work and i dont know how do you make money for living, you can afford that, but i cant do that. Dont you guys want to save time? Time = Gold. The faster you get a group the faster you do the dungeon and have more time for doing other things… Theres no discussion here. So if most of the people dont like the idea what it means, that 90% of WoW players are nerds that live in a room for 24 hours a day? If you play a game its to have fun right? Well i dont see any fun wasting my time and getting bored looking for a group. Thats ridicolous.

  • You can play retail if you want a dungeon finder.
  • Classic wow is about community and if you really need 2h to find a group then you are doing something wrong. Aren’t you part of a community (Guild/Friends)?
  • What if other people find it funny to look for a group themselves? There goes your argument xD
  • Your time is wasted anyway if you play video games, if you find a grp or not.
  • Many wow players are nerds so what?^^
  • It’s pretty common for MMORPG players to call anyone who’s more successful than them nerds/tryhards and anyone below them as noobs… like they see themselves as the gold standard… once again proven by you :smiley:

Faster isn’t always better - think about sex. wait… i am talking to wow players… :smiley:


Haha you make me laugh. Dont start with the retail argument, retail its not a game anymore you can get blind from all that flashy spells and fancy numbers. Theres nothing funny to paste the same message over and over. You didnt get the point. A dungeon finder saves time. Time = Gold. If you like to waste your time in a bad way then you have a mental problem. Thats all nothing more to say.
Not all video games are a waste of time. Its for fun. But this game its getting disgusting, i spend more time pasting messages on the LFG chat then playing the game. So something its wrong. You say what you say i am right. Maybe i am more nerd then you because im entusiasted to play the game thats why i call for a dungeon finder, to PLAY THE GAME not to CHAT for hours to get no reward.
Its like waiting hours to log in the game. You cant play. So this is the same thing, yes you are logged in but you can only sit in SW looking for a group. Very funny, very nerd, i really love it. Best experience.


Play a single player game then… you obviously don’t care about other players, you just need them for your purposes.
Social aspect is a part of the game - you should try to play it.


No disrespect but… retail that way ---->

The only problem we have in Classic is boost selling players, which could very well be compared to leveling services or gold selling in the past. Well, you could also say the game is too easy if your players don’t need to gear up in dungeons, but that’s completely another story.

Classic is already a walk in a park and a sprint in an MMORPG world. People clear raids naked with hunter pet tanks these days. There’s no need to make this game any more of a joke that it currently is.


Nope, thats why im writing this post, to play with other people, you didnt get it. If i wanted yo playe alone i just go and grind mobs. Thats why im pissed off because i cant play with other people :slight_smile: And takes so much. You have no idea, whats with all this hate you have?? All people from this forum only replies with hate… You see nerd, too many hours inside a room.

I bet you would also “reserve” that item you need from that dungeon, so you don’t waste time doing the same dungeon a few times.


Mentions he has a GF and also cooks guess we know who wears the trousers in this relationship.

If ya don’t have the time to play then don’t play, it’s not hard ya wet wipe.


Nope, i just roll like any other player. You have no idea guys. The forum its only to get bad replies, from retar* people.

what we need is to change the attitude of not to buy boosts not dungeon finder.

Thanks mate a decent reply with no offense like others…

So you in your comments you are disrespectful to the people on this forum but you want them to treat you with respect?

The only response you will elicit is ridicule; and you’ve been receiving it in abundance so far.

Next time don’t call the WoW players nerds that live in a room for 24 hours a day. Also, you had better not suggest that people who bother to reply have a mental problem, which you did in your reply to Breitsamer. You don’t facilitate any meaningful discussion this way.


Well than maybe doing dungeons in WoW Classic is not for you? That’s okay, the game doesn’t have to be accessible or appealing to everyone. Classic is not a game for such a discerning gentleman with rich and busy real life such as yourself. But not to worry, there is another game by Activision that might be a better fit for you! It is called World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, you should definitely check it out.


I heard Shadowlands still has dungeon finder right? It should be that way —>


Expecting non toxic replies on a classic forum is kinda going to be good luck tbh XD.

Classic players are one of the most toxic community base after all :man_shrugging:


it already exists for pvp, might aswell be there for dungeons and raids

No thanks.

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You think you do, but you don’t

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Seems to me you thought you desired something, but that ended up not being the case

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If new players act like you do in this post no wounder they are forced to play alone.

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