Sounds and fragrances of love swirl in the air with a hint of nefarious undertones as a strange love sickness clouds the hearts of the denizens of Azeroth. Uncover the dark secret fueling this plague of passion.
Blizz don’t love me enough to give me the rocket after all these years…
And there is another mount to farm now!
Oh well, first attempt didn’t get it. Will go back again tomorrow XD
I believe you XD
The 75 ancestral coins mount?
…yay …
Hear the enthusiasm in my yay.
…yay …
It’s… pink. Egh. Goodluck for all the pinklovers out there tho!
Pink is fabulous!!!
Well, at least now the farm is only possible with one character per battlenet account per day… It is still awfull but you don’t need to spend hours every day in this event to feel you havent maximized your changes. After more than 10 years repeting this event I am releive that every day my attemps will require only 5 minutes per day
PD: Also, this drop change includes a drop increase every day without loot, but it is yet to see how much it helps the drop of the mounts
spent 10 years to get rocket mount
now new mount added
I love these devs
Even as a small girl I thoroughly hated it. There’s no hope for me
It’s kind of funny cos IRL I just wear black, my gaming char can be far more colourful at times.
Online vs IRL
It seems the purple Hearth-Shaped box gets rewarded at lower levels again (even something as low as lvl10). I know you don’t work at Blizzard but do you know anything about this change?
2025 - attempt 1 = 0/some hearts - sounds about right
Well, blizz did it again, same with the nobblegsrden carpet mount.
Idk, why do we keep getting this stuff of cringe stuff in the game
They are not fun, mounts being put behind abysmall drop rates are garbage game design and sorry but i don’t have fun farming big love rocket or the stupid broom mount
So what about do the right thing and increase the drop chance, i know you are able to do it since you’ve done it before
#do the right thing
When you update old pet “goblin cupid” / Peddlefeet get new model? It’s ugly old model
anyone know where the bouquets drop now. at one point blizzard changed the bosses every single year…and all the info such as wowhead is so out of date. it’s not like blizzard tells us anything