"All PvP gear will have consistent personal rating requirements to purchase and equip"


Blizzard devs, please clarify whether this means that gear will be unequippable if you don’t maintain the required rank throughout all of TBC.

For a lot of players this will make or break their participation in the arena.


They already added the rating requirement to the Beta.
The tooltip only shows a rating requirement on the vendor. If you link the item in chat the rating is not in the tooltip, which imo shows its only meant for buying the gear.

Thanks for the info, still hoping for confirmation so that we won’t have to make guesses.

what? but they literally said that it’s gonna be for equipping aswel

What i would like to know and that i havent understood ( might be me being stupid tho)
is previous seasons arena gear still restricted by personal rating?
example: season 2 gear comes out, do i still need rating to purchase season 1 arena gear ?

they become available from Honor

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That is what i tought aswell, but do we have a confirmation from blue posts?

Nah but it’s a nitpicky detail that i don’t think they’ll even bother stating
but right now the biggest issue is this horrible, horrible ‘x to equip’ change

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It’s not nitpicky at all. In season 4 you could buy season 3 gear only with arena points at a discount and reduced ranking requirements, not with honor. Season 2 gear could be bought with honor. Season 1 gear was removed. Following blizzard’s “don’t want to make changes after release” reasoning I would say there is a good chance s1 gear can only be bought with arena points in s2, and require a certain rating.

mybad you’re right
i forgot it’s down two steps for honor and not one

It seems that I got it wrong as well.

Point taken!

Between them making absolutely awful changes and how differently the community plays classic and will play TBC classic I’ve honestly lost interest in anything in regards to end game and will just end up leveling characters just to enjoy old leveling and that’s it.

For the record (addition made several minutes ago): https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/burning-crusade-classic-beta-notes-4-may/270519/6

You don’t need to retain rating to equip an item, rating is only required to purchase it.

this is huge, thanks

Saved basically

Im not a fan of Arena gear in S1 requiring rating, this is nothing like how TBC played out. As for the S1 gear for honor that didn’t happen until S3. Rating requirement was not a thing on TBC launch.

Every change Blizzard puts in is changing the flow and balance of the expansion, it’s a long way from being TBC at this point. It’s more customised than the private servers out there.

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