Alliance cheese tactics and 7 minute wins

The issue is that Alliance is able to cheese the entire AV and win due to Paladin bubble. No matter how many towers horde can cap, a Paladin from alliance just can pull all the Warmasters while their entire raid cheeses and kills Drek’thar. I think a Pala bubble should reset all aggro as well as be intargetable by the Warmasters to prevent cheese tactics.If same thing happened in a raidboss,it would’ve been fixed right away. So please fix this.


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WoW classic btw

Paladins are using bubbe to pull all marshals and evade them to avoid fighting them, and to get only Drek - it is clear exploit against AV mechanics and concept, and weirdly is not penalized/fixed by Blizzard.
Fixing it is very simple matter - while the Boss (Drek) is still in the fight (aggroed by the tank) all his marshals should - instead of evading, loosing aggro and returning to their starting spot - change the target and run to assist Drek in the fight (like Marshals should do for their General) by attacking his enemies.

Not fixing this exploit means approving exploiting in general and favorizing 1 faction by gining them official exploit.
Battleground is all about the battle against other players. Doing nothing but killing only 2 bosses does not happen even in raids, where there are trash to be cleared, while on AV Aliance has almost no trash to clear on the way (maybe except couple of easy to kill lieutenants for the bonus).

7-minutes of AV bg without any real pvp and 30+ minutes of queues (horde side) are killing the fun of “pvp” on this battleground, which makes it just broken BG. Aliance faction is not doing pvp either, they even avoid it by hiding from the horde so they can just kill last boss faster by the exploit.
The only viable counter-option for premade’s rush is “turling” in the base by the horde, which is extremely hard with unorganized (or unwilling to organize in large group) “Horde PuGs” vs “Aliance Premade”, as the Aliance has almost always advantage in numbers there and even “turtling” is no guarantee of success, it is just a slim chance.

It is not about making this BG to last for couple of hours long, just not 7-minutes rush & exploit-bugging kill. Objectives should be done (towers/bunkers destroyed), at least some of them, before being able to kill the last boss. This was the good concept of this bg and this exploit should be removed to keep this concept.

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Classic forums?

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