Alterac alternative speculation

As fare as I remember, Thrall did not want any ties to Alterac because the kingdom started for some reason using Orcs as slaves. Not the greatest idea if you’re talking to Orcs, but ok.
After they backstabed the Alliance trust was not given. After all, if they took side against their own people, what would them stop from Tübingen against the Horde if the right oportunity presented itself?

But what if Thrall did take them in to the Horde.
First the Horde would have to defend the Kingdom agsinst ogres.

What would be the next thing? Would Alterac have ben a burden to the Horde, or positive?
Was it even possible to save Alterac?
Would the Horde have their own Human potential, or more backstabimg?

Tell us your ideas.

They tell you in classic that Aliden Perenolde’s mentor was none other than Blackmoore himself. Also, RPG lore states that Alterac nobles felt betrayed by the Horde in the second war and want their revenge, because they didn’t help them when the Alliance sieged Alterac City.

Aliden probably wasn’t that happy about helping Horde - his quote from Beyond the Dark Portal - “Damn it, Father! Two years I’ve spent trying to overcome the stigma you’ve cast upon our family name. Two years! You stupid, selfish bastard, you’ve ruined everything!” so I guess he wouldn’t want to allign with them.

But really, Alterac as a place is nowadays just about dwarves and orcs fighting. I don’t expect Blizzard will ever add lore to the kingdom. Shame, if I return back to the RPG lore, two of my fav quotes there concern Alterac, said by an Alteraci paladin Aretain Naris -

“While the knights polish their armor and engage in ridiculous errands that they dare to call ‘quests’, the solid dependable folk of Alterac are fighting for their lives and homes in the real war.”


“Behold this self-righteous philosopher! This whelp wishes to punish me for the crime of saving your lives and doing what was necessary to make sure the butchers didn’t make a meal of you for their pet wolves’ bellies. Well, I spit upon her, upon Stormwind, upon Theramore, and upon any power on Azeroth that stands against our survival!” He turns toward the adventurer trying to stop him. “You are an orc in my sight, and I shall cut you down like any crawling creature of the Horde, and take joy at your slaughter!”

And, last but definitely not the least, since this is an Alterac thread I can do nothing else but remind everyone that General Hath exists. Hope he appears in the game one day.


The Kingdom of Alterac just represented an evil real-life Switzerland, not a lot more to add to that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Essentially, Alterac was just a Switzerland that’s not neutral, but that betrayed their own faction and joined the enemy in the middle of the war. This is also referenced to the fact that apparently Alterac is so much connected with cheese (Alterac SWISS) like Switzerland in real life (like I said, an evil Switzerland).

But technically Alterac City could still be good to become the new capital of the Forsaken if Stratholme is not a possibility. Think about it; a kingdom full of thugs and assassins and former disgusting Human traitors of their own race, that fell down because of the actions of the Alliance just like Arthas caused Lordaeron to fall…also the snowy mountains could be a perfect environment for the Forsaken actually to live in

You’re right I completely forgot about those events. It makes somewhat sense with the Orcs sure. Even though it seems to me, it was at the time convenient for Blizzard to leave many old kingdoms away.

And thank you for those quotes from Aretain Naris. That’s some really interesting stuff. I like the outlook from Alteracs people it gives to us.

I see it the same way. It is a shame, it could have gone in many directions. But I also don’t expect anything in regards to Alterac. It’s simply about speculation.

So you mean basically Switzerland during the Italian wars. Fun fact, some of them during that time did rat out a lord they fought for. But that’s off topic.

That’s also something I had in mind. Alterac gave to me always a little deeper and more human level of nuance to the story. You can understand their motives and why they did what they did. Hate against them is also understandable.

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One little thing I forgot in my first post, a man who could be considered an heir to Alteraci throne, Isiden Perenolde, has in Beyond the Dark Portal fled to Gilneas and was under Genn’s protection, who wanted him as king in Alterac to counter Lordaeron/Stromgarde influence. Sadly, we never heard anything about him in Cata.

That’s also a very interesting point. I had Isilde in mind, but it seems he was forgotten. It is strange, even more so after all he was underway to Gilneas. Even with this they could have done things.

Imagine if Gen would have supported Isilden in WoW. Alterac city could hav’e been rebuild and Gilneans could reside next to tem.

Well, that’s WarCraft lore for you, no matter where you look, you can find wasted potential.

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