Alterac Valley impossible wins

Ok so what’s wrong with AV? How come for alliance on ZT and related servers winning a single game is basically impossible? I just reached revered and I haven’t won a single game. I wanna think it’s me the problem but at least i always play to win following directios whenever someone is leading and i try to help for what I can. 90% of the BGs I join people already know it’s lost and push people to go for Galv and LTs to maximize the rep and honor for a loss. How can you play a game like this ? Has blizzard given a possible answer? Now I dont’ know if it’s the map, the players, the BG design favouring Horde as many state, but really with any group, even the better ones where you can clearly see your group does better in battle, at the first mistake it’s automatically lost. And you can tell within 5 minutes from the begenning. Never played such an unbalanced game. Without considering the unbalance between alliance and horde races. Spells like fear are the most broken thing and they are fine with that? Im sorry but blizzard doesn’t care about players at all. Could be really a good game but sadly it became the worst i’ve ever played.

I think it is a combination of a lot of things, some of them being racials, unfavourable terrain, choke-holds and starting positions.

Also when you can have a leader level 51 bot that doesn’t read anything and half afk all game how on earth you pretend to win a game. How is it even possible that a level 51 is leader and you can’t do anything about it. I mean now i’m sure, blizzard made this battleground with feet.

The biggest issue is the queue, you better believe that with the horde waiting 1hr 15mins on average for a pop that we are gonna try our hardest to make sure we win it, allies can just dump a bad game and rego much faster.

I agree to what you’re saying, though it has to do with more than just trying hard. There is unfavourable injustices for Alliance in AV, but if you have somebody with experience leading it can become a hard victory for the Alliance.

I remember dancing around in the middle one game just knocking off all the Hordes that tried to regroup, 20 minutes of not letting the horde do anything but to fight us, we won that game by just staying together as a unit and slowly progressing forwards and then going back to pick people up.

There is a lot of strats one can use to get around the Horde advantages in the end of the day.

This is my opinion, I am not always right, so take that with a grain of salt… or a few buckets if you so desire.

Problem is more complex with AV. One thing is that AV is really in favour of horde, no matter how silly horde trolls can troll that, its fact that there are some bad design mistakes made around SH, SF.
But another problem is the alliance players. As long AV was about rushing games, alliance would even have like 60-70% win rate in those AVs, no matter if you played agaist EU horde or Russians servers. You could even say that design of map for rush games is slighty in favour of Alliance.
However once game turned in turtling, which was always great gain for horde players because they have looooong ques, situation is tototaly different.
Horde’s long ques force them to get out of the game max honor and win. For them is turtling much more viable than fast game. No matter what some ranking people say that horde also wants fast wins it is not just truth. They want max honor and they wont get that by fast game because their que times for AV destroys their honor per hour.
Alliance ques are like nearly instant, well lately like up to 3 mins due uninterest of alliance players is bit higher than in the past :).
Due that Alliance players and ussually rankers force game to be fast. I do actually blame ranking people :slight_smile: since the aim for them its not really win the game, they ussually prefer kill LTs around Galv and if possible kill galv as bonus and then they just chill or just afk around.
Tho you cant forget to blame alliance pvers who actually join AV to get exalted for AV purple rewards. That another weight since they prefer to turtle so they turn items for fast reputation.
Then you can’t forget blame these people who are so fed up and sick of AV that they come into game to just cry and whine and they ussuall aim all their despair at leaders who try win AV. Like half of alliance players just blame them making game too long etc etc.
Generaly its diseaster for players who want real competition and fun. Only fun is on horde side ganking alliance guys on mounts who headlessly try to rush for fast honor/loose.
If there was like sociologist or psychologist looking at alliance players in AV, he could write entire document how most of the people just submit to the situation and try not change it. Instead become toxic and ventilate it on players on the chat most of the time. It would be really best example for students :smiley:
As for winning for AV, its possible win non rushing game, but it has to have consitence of players who actually try. I have been in games that lasted 1hour + and we did win it and from my aspect it was worth due the fact because I loved how people cooperated. Ussually these games are very late at night when most of people who want win and have time to be there try hard.
To give you advice how to win AV is, that you count on pvers who farm reputation, you can have them as defenders for slowing horde all the time. For those people who push liek tryhards for win or honor farming rankers you use as attacking power. You just dont yell at people to all go attack or defend its wont work i explain why.
You has to have defenders SH and keep it aslong you dont cap SF or IG GY. Once you cap IG GY or SF you need to keep it hard, you need even turtle till you can till horde get tired of hk farming and they actually try go for our Base. YES! Horde always defend! They do no matter what demagogs of fast games tell you that horde want fast games, no horde will defend even if they want fast game. Once you make horde to split into like 2 groups one push and one defending. After you need to push for Hut or for FW. Best is option is always to have IG GY capped, so despite if you have SF GY you still need cap IG GY and then let horde have SH. You let horde have SH once you have other middle GY just to make sure they split into two groups so you don’t have too much resistance when pushing hut. Then you are ready to push for hut or FW. You have to keep 6-10 defenders at IG gy even if you reach hut. You keep those guys there till you definately cap Hut, just because horde are often coming back even with like 20 people. So Once you get hut you start pulling warmasters with some experienced puller and killing them one by one or 2 same time till Drek has no commrades to defend him. Here you have to be careful because these times are critic if horde trying hard to get hut. You dont pull warmasters if too many horde pushing you to recap Hut, you need clear horde first and then pull warmasters. Once you have killed warmasters you need to make sure horde wont cap GY and leave few hunters and mages outside of Drek toom to kill recalling horde while main group kill Drek.
THere is lots of situational moments that I cant describe, and despite ytou try hard you often can loose like by 15% on boss final bosses difference being horde faster. Its damn hard to win with pug because people wont recall. One more thing is when you really get good defending squad, despite they wipe at defending base they cant run sout to help you they need keep preessure on horde at base so they are slowered so you can actually win. This ussually what makes game loose despite all went good, that defenders headed south just because they didnt want to die anymore trying to slow horde or recap GYs back.
But even if you do all of this you must remember horde also not bots :slight_smile: And due some favours at choke points you wont achieve like 50% wins ratio depsite you would have perfect players trying to win.
Pugs are not motivated to win as I said rankers go for honor form LTs, pvers for rep you somehow need to count on that they want fast gmae and despite you will be winning some of them wont help you because they live in HPH world and your long term win doesnt fits their vision :slight_smile:
Best would be if AV had equal ques on both side. Hoverever I do remember how was AV back in time played, it was massive rush. Terrible boring and pve game. So so or so, AV wont became what really one would want, it will be always what majority wants. Majority wants fast grind and that they call a fun. Some call real pvp and competition there fun but they are most of the time minority :slight_smile:
Personaly thinking Blizzard just should give people really old AV just for fun and exclude it from interest of fast games fans. These guys could have wsg and AB and AV would be just prefect chill for anyone else :slight_smile: But hey somoene at blizzard would have to drop some money to get that files for old AV working or actually if they are missing them to try hard recreate that AV. And you know Blizzard is all about monies per hour :slight_smile:
Anyways good luck you will need it :slight_smile:

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