Am I a bad tank?

or is it normal for the following classes to just pull aggro from me:
and shadow priest …oooh the shadow priest… they just pull the aggro from me while I am going HAM on the mob and only get it back with Taunt.

most thees issues only when pulling a group of mobs

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You must be new to the game or else I would expect a “BOOM! ARCANE EXPLOSION!-Mage” in that list as well.
Also yeah that’s normal, in Classic good DPS make just enough damage so that the tank can still keep the aggro, it’s not you who is bad but the DPS.


The best you can do is to bind the first target to skull and next target with another mark.

If they go ham at start they never heard of the 5 sunder armor rule, they need to chill at start or be responsible for their actions the hard way


5 sunder ?wow that might take like a minute ull never finish a dungeon xD


it was from raids but still :slight_smile:

Tanks have issues keeping aoe aggro . Not ur fault but . Just let the dps deal with the extra pulls. They can handle well with a frost mage around.
Hunters got feign.
Priests are bad in general . They pull alot of threat . They don’t know how to manage their mana . Their shields often do more harm than good.
If you must bring a priest ask it to heal instead

Just make sure to have aggro on at least 2 mobs and you are good .

Some details are missing.
You don’t need perfect aggro in Classic, except for bosses and other kinds of very hard hitting creatures. There is even a thing called kite tanking, by Blizzard mages.

If you are tanking enemies way above your level, then that is a mistake. It can happen consciously (going to SM:Arm or Cath after Lib), but there are various penalties that can slow your threat very much.

Priests are a special animal. Mind Control and Mind Blast cause immense amounts of threat, as a paladin tank I don’t even try. My joking mantra is, priests have a shield, so they can tank just fine!

Also, priests by default screw all tanks: Power Word Shield prevents generating rage on threat, as well as thorns effects (druids & retribution aura), thus reducing tank threat. Due to this, a paladin tank with a druid healer (or probably the other way around, too) is just the best for all-round threat, as long as the tank is allowed to take aggro at the beginning (should). Consecration / Swipe, Ret Aura, Thorns.

Some creatures have weird threat tables. Ran Uldaman recently and our priest healer was looking at the last boss funny. He had aggro until we wiped after some 30 seconds. (He may have needed to heal too much, while him having aggro meant I didn’t proc thorns either, cutting my threat to half. Still!)

ps.: 5 sunders is a helpful rule, we use the idea a lot with low level tanks in Scarlet Monastery (2-3 does it). If you don’t take aggro on Herod at the beginning, you literally can’t. Maybe with taunt, usually not even.

5 sunders is too much. 3 is usually enough, even more. Always start combat with Bloodrage, then use Sunder for a single target or Demoralizing Shout for aoe (in this case also mark the main target). Keep sundering and revenge (might wanna rotate targets) and it will be fine.

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You need to stack sunder armor, demoralizing shout, use bloodrage to generate more rage, use taunt only if the mob isn’t attacking you. Pretty easy imo.

Aggro is really tough in classic, and people still aren’t in any way used to it. Every single DPS in every single dungeon start DPS way too fast, and in general people play with the expectation that reliable AoE threat abilities exist and it’ll just sort itself out. All tanks lose threat a lot, only good strategy is learning to care less.

Shadow priests are a special case, as they lack the innate threat reduction of proper DPS classes. There are reasons we rarely let certain classes DPS in vanilla and that’s the biggest one.


Mind Blast is high threat generating move. Don’t feel bad. Priests should know better and use Fade if they pull threat.


Well, Mind Blast is basically a taunt, so it’s ok. And I bet 99% of shadow priests you encountered never put any talents into threat reduction in Shadow and Discipline trees.


Yeah, priests actually have 2, not 1, but 2 talents for reducing threat. A good shadow priest will surely have selected those.

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Don’t waste rage on Demo shout. Use TC instead since that does about 4-5x more threat.

As a priest, I can say this is pure nonsense. I get immediate aggro from tank when they TC and not when they demo shout.

Who knows. I think its the opposite.

I think peoples expectations of tanks is quite low in general in classic. So dps go ham. Not tanks fault ofc. But game design is so awkward in classic when it comes to threat.

Priests having major aggro on their main dps ability
Hunter with multi shot as their main damage source.(while leveling)
You name it.

But as I said earlier as long as you have aggro on 2 mobs at least. You have done your job. If a priest wants to dps. Just tell them to heal instead hehe.

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The data doesn’t lie. TC does 180 (max rank) and DS 43 (max rank). So they probably forgot to learn TC higher than rank 2.

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