Ancestor Worshipping: Cairne Bloodhoof

Greetings, fellow inhabitants of Azeroth. I am Karzhuk, a shaman. I would like to inform you of an event that will take a small time, at the start of April. I will perform a ritual to honor the memory and exploits of Cairne Bloodhoof, the father of our Tauren allies’ leader, Baine Bloodhoof, and a key figure in the history of the Horde.

Ancestor Worshipping: Usually done by telling the stories of the person that is honored by the ritual. Shaman shall list the ancestor’s exploits, feasts will be eaten, and there will be duels to prove your strength in front of our ancestors.

We wish to bring his spirit the respect and remembrance as he deserves.

OOC Info: Event will take place at Western Plaguelands, Mender’s Stead. Just stick around the camp before event, and we’ll gather up everyone to a proper spot. For Alliance, please close your war-mode, and bring elixirs to talk with us! I’ll just talk about the exploits of Cairne Bloodhoof in a shamanic manner basically. Anyone who wishes to be informed IC’ly may do so by finding a small letter attached to the Hero’s Call Boards or may hear from Capital City innkeepers. As for the Alliance presence. As long as your War Mode is off, you can join. IC’ly, you’d have to hear from your friends from the opposite faction, however.

Let me know in the game by whispering to, or sending a mail to “Karzhuk-TheSha’tar” and I’ll add you to the calendar. The ritual will start at 8 pm Realm Time, on April 2st, Tuesday.

Happy roleplaying!

Edit 1: This month’s ritual will take place in Mender’s Stead, Western Plaguelands instead, due to being a neutral zone and war-free area both for Alliance and Horde.


Happy roleplaying indeed! What a great idea for an event :slight_smile:


I second that. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend due to another appointment, but I hope that many will be there to honour the memory of High Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof. ‘The winds guide you.’ :leaves:


The previous one was pretty cool, so I would recommend checking this thing out =)


I’ve been on the previous one as the goblin priest. He was an ill fit. So I’m wondering what should I do this time. Bring out the tauren shaman I never RP’d on yet, or a friendly Alliance character (like this one?)


Good idea to beef up Horde tradition, but hosting something neutral farther from the Horde capital during open war would be good for immersion. It’s not like the local management is very positive towards the Alliance right now.


As a shaman, even in battle, I personally believe that everyone, ally or foe, are allowed to be present for a ritual. For we mean no harm, it is a ritual, an exercise to remember our heroes and past, and honor it to prove that we did not forget the hardships they went through to provide us a better future.

Even, maybe some of the Alliance and Horde members who likes this war, could learn something from these rituals.

However, your words have wisdom. I will look for a good spot to house both factions.


This sounds great, I can’t wait to attend :smiley:


I enjoyed the last one, nice and casual atmosphere. It’s great to see this is becoming a regular thing.


Thank you for a fun and informative event! Narien sure kicked some butt, too!
We missed the Alliance people though, maybe next time?


Glad you had a good time over there :slight_smile: I couldn’t be there in character, but did consider just using a class trial character on the horde side. Maybe next time!


Was busy IRL. I’ll try really hard to come next time. Unless it’s, like, Orgrim or some other people Xarthat does not approve of.


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