Ancestor Worshipping: Tirion Fordring - Told in pictures

I moved things around on my blog and freed up a lot room for our events.

From now on, they will have their own page, which will be updated after each event - the most recent screenshots will be the ones at the top of the site :slight_smile:

So, for the pictures from Karzhuk´s event, simply go to:

https:// alunariasavenue. com/roleplay-events/


Gosh, Blood Elves are so easy to capture well!


Ah, gotta love the picture of me monologuing while everyone’s carrying on with their own business.

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These great screenshots really make me want to develop a screenshotting habit of my own! :blush:

It’s nice to have a reminder of fun RP memories. I am now disappointed I didn’t think to properly screenshot the impromptu jousting session that happened at the end of the event…


I think I screened a few shots from the jousting, if anyone wants some.

:skull: <- Undead smiley.

I’ll check when I get home.

Edit: The jousting was very interesting and entertaining!


Ah, so bummed I was late…
I still got some interesting conversations when I finally got my carcass there, though.

:wolf: <- Worgen smiley.

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