Ancestral Worshipping: Archmage Antonidas

You see a hanging poster of a drawn campfire, along with souls circling this campfire. The title says “Ancestral Worshipping” with a small note below.

Greetings once again, fellow adventurers and warriors of Azeroth. This month, we bring you one of the most prominent and helpful figures of Azeroth; Archmage Antonidas. We shall hold a worshipping ritual to honor the well-versed wizard, on September 7th, at nightfall. Be with us to honor my invitation as a guest, bring this forlorn soul the respite he needed much in these dark times. Meet us at Mender’s Stead, the center of Western Plaguelands, and we shall partake in this ritual together.

OOC: Hey guys, sorry for the uncalled hiatus of mine, been at Gamescom, saw some faces, made some deals, and I’m ready to hang around once again! This time, we are honoring Antonidas, legendary archmage of Dalaran! If you would like to join, don’t forget to bring your elixir of tongues, and yourself at 8 pm ST, 7th of September! The location will be Mender’s Stead once again.


I would like to join! Unfortunately Saturdays aren’t any good for me…
But best of luck and have a wonderful time!


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