And this is the last one

Hey team, i don’t know how you were able to kill this enjoyment for me but i’m now at the peak. The PVP scene is totally unplayable and i don’t want to even touch this. You have created an atmosphere which only promotes one specific role ( DPS ), so why not just go with 3v3 death matches where there are 0 healers. Now even my limit is full. After a day at work playing any activity in your game feels horrible, might consider to switch into pve but really now listen. Being at the gym, going out and doing excercises feel 100 % more enjoyable than playing a single arena with your dps minded game. ( Damage matters ) You can shove that somewhere where the light won’t shine. Healing used to be a good skill and your class was able really to react into situation and later expansions have been just dps festivals. I regret so much for buying your last 2 expansions as you clearly aren’t listening what this might cause to the game.

  • Passive dmg after gap closers and the amount of them
  • MS effects over 50%
  • Micro stuns , fear, and micro silences.
  • Amount of spell procs from pets and frequency of seconds when they occur during a cast. ( Eye Beam, Arcane Missiles, Flurry, Rampage, Mortal Strike from Bladestorm, Ret wings and synergy with the holy power, Monk Clones, Rapid Fire)
  • Instant casts: Boomkin for example. Star surge: Instant cast, Cyclone

Instead of extending already decent offensive cooldowns, create more spells and more helpful spells and make these spells role specific.

Thanks guys, it’s been a great run.


“last 2”?
Legion and BFA started the whole trend of making PvP garbage.

Shadowlands was a huge improvement over Legion & BFA, because it brought back PvP vendors and unpruned a bunch of spells.
Dragonflight brought back the WoD gearing system somewhat, and removed the need for PvP players to engage in non-PvP content at max level.

I’m a healer main and Dragonflight is shaping up to become one of my favourite expansions, even though it’s not without flaws.
Healer main by the way.

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Legion was alright , I really don’t get the hate for it

Possibly take a small break mate, Winds of Wisdom exp buff soon

That’s because you’re a DH player. You’re okay with MOBA class design.

Legion removed a massive chunk of the depth and complexity of class design across the board.
A large amount of specs were butchered and dumbed down.


There was a bigger slashing between MOP and WOD , than WOD to Legion, it’s just Legion had borrowed power

Bit awkward when I didn’t play DH all that much at all during Legion

Absolutely not.

Take Mistweaver for example.

In WoD, it had a unique gameplay: Enveloping Mist had a Chi cost, and Chi needed to be generated via other spells such as Renewing Mist and Vivify.

It could also Fistweave because it had 3 charges of Rising Sun Kick - however, to do so, it needed to swap dynamically between two stances (Serpent & Crane), because offensive abilities could only be used in Crane stance. They also had a Chi cost.

Spending Chi would generate up to 20 stacks of Mana Tea, a channeled ability that would regenerate a % of Mana for every second spent channeling.

Every single one of those mechanics were deleted when Legion launched.
Mistweaver is now the BM Hunter of healers, with 0 depth, 0 unique feature, and an extremely simple gameplay. A shadow of its former self.

The same is true for Windwalker, with the loss of Tigereye Brew.

Going outside working out taking care of your family, making friends, enjoying your life. Dude you are on the right track. Wtf do you still need this dragonblight? Wow is THE place light can’t reach anymore.


Legion? Legion was best PVP in my opinion it was fair and balanced, No tier sets, No Items with special effects like Embelishments, trinkets in BFA or Legendaries. No Gear gaps, And very short pvp season meant PVP was very active and fun. Like literaly i played Rated bgs, Arena 3s and 2s In Legion like crazy, thats how good it was. Like literaly you had Stat templates which meant you could start PVP freshly level char and only Unlock your artifact which was easy Later On And could be done with few World quests in 20min of gameplay.

Everything you praise about Legion was already true prior to Legion, except maybe the short seasons.

But prior expansions had significantly better class design.
No AP grind required in Cata, MoP and BFA either.

Artifact Weapons?

Legion wasone of the baddest pvp addons paired with BfA. Without pvp vendor pvp can’t be good.

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