Another Fix BG queues topic

Because i’ve been there and i know that as long as player base does not outrage this, Blizzard wont fix anything.

53 mins EOTS queue
45 mins WSG queue
1H17 AB queue
1h50 AV queue

And it’s worse each day.

Just to be clear: this is not the experience we are willing to pay for.

Bring Merc mode or whatever solution you come with but please, address this issue.


And another reply about how you can help to fix it by rerolling ally is comming here from me


This is not an acceptable solution but thanks for trying.


Merc mode is not a acceptable solution though. It would make even less people play ally.


-Unable to do ring of blood for DAYs unless trying in obscure hours.
-Unable to summon party/raid members to instances constantly due to huge horde numbers
-Unable to do World pvp objectives, again unless done in obscure hours
-Unable to farm at ‘good’ spots due to constant ganking

I fully understand your frustration, to wait hours for what feels like drop in the ocean honor. But Horde currently enjoys all the advantages in EVERY other aspect. Do you not see why Alliance are so salty? What chance is there of server balances if they remove the ONLY downside to horde?


Ask yourself why. You’re probably on a PvP Server, and you’ve probably been personally making the experience untenable for the other faction passively. Of course more of them will leave or reroll, leaving you with yet longer queues.

Adding merc mode is a non starter.

How fixing the BG queue for horde would help to resolve your own issue ?

You are basically just enjoying other people having issues because you have your own issues, i don’t get the logic behind this.

No you see, horde has que issue, which comes from population issue if you fix que issue by merc mode you might make the population issue even worse, merc is not the answer


Retail has mercenary mode, try that! It doesn’t belong in Classic however.


Up, as long as there is no solution.

Situation is getting worse each day.

All of your problems can be avoided by playing on a PvE realm…

I play on a pvp realm which is alliance dominated (Zandalar Tribe EU) so I get the worst of both sides.

Anyone trying to deny a 1 hour+ queue is a problem is actually insane.

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I agree, anyone who would claim the 1+ hour community created problem is actually a game problem is surely insane.

It is a problem, not a design problem tho, players created it

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Merc mode is a bad solution, nobody will play alliance. There must be a bonus for playing the underdog and it would completely disprespect every horde that rerolled alliance.

The viable solution should be limited and restricted free faction change for factions that are a severe majority on their realms. Also to give incentives to balance the imbalance is to give the realms underdog faction free dual spec(removed once the faction balance stabilises). This would encourage ppl to f-change and it would also help alliance find tanks considering the sheer small amount of numbers they are.

Also to make people complain less, make the f change a two time use paid service on realms were the faction ratio is balanced. One charge to try out the faction and a second use to change back in case they regret changing in the first place.


For the 5th time today. No. Mercenary mode was NOT in the original game it has no place in this version. A lot of people wanted to play Horde to be “rofl op” in pvp. Meta and all that. Non of you jokers are crying about balance and discomfort when the Horde is dominating. The Horde chased a lot of Alliance players away and did this to itself. And when people warned about the faction imbalance the Horde laughed. “lolololol, go to retail, re-roll, ltp, deal with, quit, git gud” and so on.


Making merc mode will make it worsth, the small advantage ally players has atm is faster gained honer/pvp gear.
You can basically blame yourself, you should have seen this issue long before started playing horde.

Get the hell outa here if you cant deal with the que times.
You knew from the very second you pressed “make horde toon” you was gonna end up like this.


Mercenary mode would work fine IMO

If you want faster ques play faction with faster que times.

Big brain 5000 moves

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Never Terokkar tower buff/Spirit Shards
Never Zangarmarsh buff
Never Halaa
Never HFP-towers
Unable to summon at summoning stones
Unable to pick up/hand in quests at area 52
Smaller pool of players for PuGs
Unable to farm “popular” primal spots
Rarely, if ever an opportunity to kill a world boss
In general worse economy due to lower pool size of players

Do you want to swap that for some BG queues?