Another Full CGI About an Orc

Thousands of night elves massacred, refugees in Stormwind that probably saw loved ones burned alive.

And we get multiple cinematics about how sad Saurfang feels about it. :slight_smile:


I agree, I’d rather want a cinematic of Tyrande or something. I’m already tired of this Saurfang thing…

They fought the Legion for a long time before we meet them again and when we meet them they are determined to end the Legion not in the name of any faction or anything, so in these times you should not count them as part of the Alliance.

The story for the Alliance is not that consistent as well … Ok, can we agree that the story of BfA is not good?

There are books for both Alliance and Horde fans, I would not say that 90 % are A. Sure there are stories like War of the Ancients, where you can’t really expect many Horde characters, but they still got Broxigar alongside Kalecgos there because of the time anomaly. Illidan novel for example features Night elf, but he has nothing to do with the Alliance etc.

No their loyalties are with the Army of the Light, that is all that matters to them at the time being. All the cinematics are showing us how Saurfang question the values of the Horde + how he is going to help it and that is why seeks out Thrall, how is that not Horde cinematic? All he is doing is for the Horde not for himself, not for other faction, for the Horde.

Yeah, that is another thing. I kinda feel like the Horde is depicted like the ones who are suffering because of what they’ve done, which should not be even close to NE suffering.

Saurfang is no longer in the horde thanks to sylvanas using the blight at the battle of undercity and after he talks to Anduin and gets out.
Thrall has not been in the horde from Cataclysm he is in the earth warden.

The people mentioned are as much going to do stuff for the alliance as what thrall and saurfang is for the horde.
Khadgar is an alliance mage when it comes to horde vs alliance he would side with the alliance.
Illidan if Horde threaten the night elves he kills them or tries to at least as you can see in WC3 when he fights Arthas as the litch king.
After all the one he loves is the leader of the night elves and then there is his brother.
Alleria had the choice but chooses alliance over her sister sylvanas.
Turalyon is alliance all the way but he follows alleria.

Are these people willing to side with people on the horde yes but that does not mean they would not fight the horde if forced to choose alliance or horde.

I remember when BFA started the developers claimed that azerite would also corrupt Anduin that the main story line was either side getting azerite and using it to create super weapons. This storyline has been tossed out and it is now about horde redemption.

And once again the Horde and Alliance will have to put aside differences to go up against Ashzara and N’Zoth to save the world.

Other than Jaina reuniting with her mom and brother, the Alliance story has just sputtered out. I really cannot see anything else on our side happening, unless we get quests that show the alliance splitting over our helping the horde or maybe the Alliance grows weary of fighting. I would love to see Genn Greymane reclaim Gilneas.

That’s sickening actually, how little they value nelfs and woof woof man.
Even Velen had his macaree closure and a special story line for his son in legion.

Lordaeron Bois, Alterac Bois, Stromgard Bois, Nelfs and Worgens are just unworthy for storywriters

Remember Wacraft movie moments:
“Our word is dying…” ( we killed it though )
Cinematic begs for compassion to Orcs

So what our poor draenor refugees do?
Kill all aserothians and claim their lands.

Real Noble Savage, 10 gentle hearts out of 10.

P.S. if they don’t retink and make Sylv sane I will reroll full Kul Tiran, cause I am sick of this green paradise of self virtuous murderers.


It was a great cinematic but yeah I really want to see some Alliance focused ones of these. Especially Jaina and how gorgeous she would look.

Ever since I started playing both factions I have to admit, I enjoy the game more. Each one is unique and has its pros and cons. I hope Blizz doesn’t feel the need to balance the story so thay both are equally winners or losers, but proceeds with what they feel is the best road to telling an intresting story. Last cinematic was alliance so Fov so I don’t see why this shouldn’t be Horde.

Saurfang is still in the Horde, she did not like anounce it if front of all the Horde, he is in the opposition, yeah, she is trying to kill him, true, but all he is doing is fot the Horde he has not forsake it and we see that in the cinematic, he is trying to convince Thrall to help him overthrow Sylvanas, to restore the Horde not to harm it.

Not true, he is disgusted by the Alliance, he is not Alliance for quite time and he behaves like that, he did not help the Alliance anywhere in BfA and I bet we would appreciate his help.

In WC3, Night elves were not part of the Alliance and from those times he focused on the Legion entirely.

Who hate him and he knows that, but he is still determined to do anything to stop Sargeras … hence why He sacrificed everything.

If I am not mistaken, both of them fought against the Legion for a thousand years before we meet them in 7.3 and he did not welcome us with “Glory to the Alliance!”, so in those times none of them think about their loyalties to either faction.

I would very much like a 5 minues cgi of Anduin, chilling on a beach in a pair of speedos.
For the Alliance, of course… :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

I believe that vast majority of Horde CGIs should be about blood elves doing their blood elven stuff.
Because accoding to census THEY ARE THE HORDE and not some kind of old orcs or undead High Elf.

Orcs crying about a form of honour like Alliance mains.*

Important distinction.

Thy could have made a cinematic about Battle of Dazar Alor, especially her fight part, how she held off the Horde forces but eventually failed, just as in the raid.

Well, Horde is in a Heapload of trouble at the moment. Their only shot at this point is Thrall (again), turning the boat around (again).

The worry is that having butchered one great character by making them some sort of comedic uber villain will they now do likewise with Thrall. Maybe the whole thing has been a ploy by Sylvie to persuade Thrall to return, maybe we’ll wake up in a shower and the whole expac was a dream (Dallas reference for younger readers). Great looking cinematic though. Definitely potential for this type of thing rather than a live action film.

I don’t really prefer Horde nor Alliance, I play both, usually Alliance a bit more cause I find the maps better built and designed.

But, I almost feel forced to play Horde in order to taste the full story of this expansion. A thing I do gladly, since I’m lucky enough to have lvl 120 chars both Horde and Alliance. But if I only played alliance, as of now I’d surely feel like I was missing something. Which is true!

Perhaps something to consider for now is to play Horde and stay there until the focus shifts on Alliance, if it does at all.

Well everyone on those cinematics is an Alliance sympathiser so I’d say they lean more towards your side.

Plus Alliance are so proud of “Our morals and values and Justice unite us” and so boring and you have no internal conflict.

So what would you like a cinematic about? Anduin having tea or Jaina chitchatting with her family?

Horde shows inner conflict way more better. The Alliance does need to show a bit more of its inner politics instead of following godking anduin like a puppy. the dark irons, worgen and night elves could be properly expanded on tho show that, but we only got the darkshore intro quest for that.

But seeing the current build up of the last expansions the next expansion will be either void or death themed ( i personally hope for a death theme because i really dont like all the purple colored void stuff in general).

If we face a void themed expansion then most likely the Alliance will take more of the spotlight. After all in velens vision it was an adult anduin leading the armies against the void in the future (both horde and Alliance). To fight the void most likely undead and the light would be needed, but light being the strongest weapon against the void wich the Alliance masters more in general.

If the next expansion is undead themed, you might see more of bolvar and his interactions with taelia and anduin. And again the light would be a big weapon against undead, so alot of lightforged, paladins and priests would be needed wich Alliance has.

I might be wrong but while this expansion is more about the conflict of azerite and the horde finding itself, the next expansion probably will show more Alliance. Also i feel like night elves and worgen are the races that would absolutely refuse peace after what happened to their homelands, so they might start skirmishes/conflicts in the future

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Thats not true mate, i think the Alliance was shown best during the first war. As it was intended it was an Alliance against the horde. But they were nowhere united, and had their own interests. Just look at alterac mountains and the leftovers in it.

An alliance should be an alliance, an alliance isnt a single nation