Another "premade post"... :/

Larkus said that many people leave after they lose first fight, you come up with that blizzard needs to take action for that part? What part? Isnt it more of a player & skill issues that you cant press buttons? :hugs:

People leaving after losing first fight is an issue because thats how battlegrounds are designed. More often than not, the game is a loss.

Premades just make it even worse. So yes, its a Blizzard issue.

edit; to add to that, people leaving early then causes other people to have a queue for a losing bg in progress which also nobody wants. Again, premades make this even worse.


I cant take you serious, I’m trying my hardest but its not possible. Battlegrounds are designed how the first mid fight goes?

Nah it’s fine, you don’t need to get it. I know reading comprehension isn’t something everyone is blessed with.

I’ll leave you to try and impress your online crush some more. Enjoy.

I actually understand now why people like you lose 95% of their bgs - premade or not. Goodluck!

Next time you get ran over in arathi basin because you cant find ur keyboard, make sure to call blizzard HQ and say its their fault :joy:

yes, but also can’t even do much in these games, i mean, some bgs, like IoC the chances of olding refinery and quarry and 1 hour and 30 minute comeback VS a premade, are noexistant, if its not a premade, can definetly turn the game

other games like wintergrasp, unlikely… deense is way too strong, even if u win the teamfigtht on attack demos die too quikly, so if the first tf is lost, there is not even a “im gonna defend this objective” and skirmishes, its just a wall of texture of players zerging the other, that bg needs to be looked at

every EPIC bg should have a few more options to the 1teamfight and its over scenario, but most are very unlikely to turn

assuming the team are even one of the most likely to turn is ashran, ive seen plenty ashran where one team losing had leavers and the people that joined were fresh and ready to fight and turned it… because u know, its a literal armwrestling until the last resource most of the time, so its possible to turn it when people just play better, or someone new comes in and make the diff

but again, w/e its premade, all winning conditions are out of the window, chance are just around 0, and the thought of wasting more than 10 minutes on an unwinnable and UNPLAYABLE game while being camped in the gy, feels like just a waste of time, at that point id just quit
in fact, most of the time i recognize premaders name BEFORE the gates open i leave
if gates have already open, sometimes i try to play it, and see how it goes, but most of the times i just tregret even bothering

i think having reached this point, meet one of thsoe prem should just be a 40man leave eat deserter and go next. do dailies for 15 mins, or q soloq bg or smth else, maybe do a mythic plus, w/e. no point in getting camped like that with no chance to play


theres no way you went through all that for just one simple thing for what the man said, you would have been better off with just not replying or if u do it would be like -yes- or -no-

but its understandable to take your time for the game, as you take your time to play 16 hours a day :sleeping:

I dont know how is this compatible with life. Unless he is rich, don’t have to work, sleep 6 hours and have someone to serve him. Even so, I don’t know who can last so many hours. :neutral_face:

How i can join your premade? Should i donate you like Vxñ or should i subscribe you like Skogsdotter?
But no, just joking. dont want to be one of your d*gs.
I didnt know that life can be hard and tough for you. i will stop trolling you. :sob:

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Once again, since you seem to have difficulty understanding what I’m saying, I didn’t say that they shouldn’t complain, I just said that if the goal was to get a reaction from Blizzard, it’s pointless. I also said that the only purpose of these threads where players complain is to relieve their frustration after a bad BG. (For example, there was someone who posted 20+ threads called ‘Premades need to go’ just 2 days ago).

So I don’t know when I ever said that they shouldn’t complain, it’s their right. However, for those who want to force Blizzard to take action, that’s not their right.

You can understand this as ‘stop complaining’ if it gives you something to say since that’s all you’re talking about, but don’t expect me to accept something I clearly didn’t say and that doesn’t reflect what I think.

I am simply talking about the fact that they believe they can say whether something is fair or unfair based on their personal experience. I am just pointing out that, in the same way that some players find what I do immoral, there are also those who will find what they do immoral.

However, they are trying to impose their view as if it’s the obvious thing to do, while it’s not necessarily what everyone would agree with. They have indeed said that it’s not problematic to play in a group of 5 because they do it and enjoy it. In the same way, I would say that it’s not problematic to play in a group of 5, or even in 3 groups of 5, because I do it and enjoy it.

The only point to highlight here is the fact that both are allowed. However, they consider my case unacceptable simply because they don’t do it and don’t enjoy it.

QSync is allowed by the game rules. There is no specific rule that prohibits it, and Blizzard has not taken any sanctions on this matter. This shows that Blizzard has no issue with this practice. By definition, it would only be considered unfair if there were rules against it and players were ignoring those rules. For example, win trading in PvP is clearly ‘unfair’ because it violates the established rules.

However, I understand that some players may perceive QSync as unfair. It’s important to distinguish between what is objectively permitted by the rules and what is perceived as unjust by some. Even if a practice is technically allowed, it can still spark debates about fairness within the community.

My main point is that the objective definition of unfair is based on the game rules, not on individual perceptions.

You can refer to the first part of my message for an answer to that. Even though, in responding to you, I quickly realized that you were relying on interpretations and feelings rather than on facts.

So yes, you feel that this practice is unfair, yes, you interpret what I say to your advantage, etc. I’ve understood that if I wanted an ounce of honesty from you, that was not going to happen.

Nice, again a whole new text of nothingness. :+1:
Since I see you still refuse to understand I have again nothing serious to say to you. :man_shrugging:


You need just write in forum that you love premade and do 25 push-ups and maybe i inv you

Too many people join with 0 gear. The amount of 500k healers I had last evening wasnt even fun. I cant blame premades for going premade at this point.


Undergeared people are on both sides.
2-5 man premades are on both sides.
Epic synced premades are on both sides, BUT are the only ones who leave the opponent no chance of winning.


Without getting into semantics, the use of ‘fair’ doesn’t solely rely on rule adherence.
(A lvl 70 corpse-camping a lvl 5 doesn’t break any rules, but wouldn’t be considered fair).

Games are typically designed with an intent to be enjoyable and engaging for all participants.
If the intent of Battlegrounds is to provide a challenge that all participants can enjoy, then Qsyncing violates this intent, leading to an imbalance that is clearly unfair, even if it’s allowed by the rules.

Using the explicit letter of the rule (or lack thereof) to justify Qsyncing doesn’t account for the implicit spirit of the rule.

Fairness isn’t just about following the letter of the rule, but also about ensuring that all players have a reasonable chance to enjoy the game and compete on a somewhat ~equal footing. Qsyncing circumvents that equal footing, discourages participation and undermines the spirit of the game, even if it doesn’t technically break any official rules.


Yes we know. However, 9 out of 10 games its still 500k hp healers vs 2000k hp.

I understand why people premade

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To have healers with 500k on your team is normal. You can still win most of the times if you play good. If you cant carry then you deserve to lose.

Stop normalising undergeared people up to a point where they are literally completely useless and get 1 tap by a random flame shock.

Add minimum ilevel and im sure we will see less premades overall.