Any actual nerfs coming to the heavy dominant classes?

Hi guys just wondering if there was actual nerfs coming to the classes that seems ridiculous right now
Me and almost everyone i speak to says that Demon hunters and resto shamans seem to be just plain stupid at the moment. I really like the game and doing arena but its horrible playing against the same two classes constantly. If anyone from blizzard sees this can they maybe at least take a little time just to check on the performance of these two classes or ask the playerbase maybe a forum or poll or something on what classes they think are a bit overtuned?

No one i talk to likes demon hunters even the people that play them. =D

thing is that you will always see the same specs over and over.

nerf dh, then it will be all warriors
nerf warrior then it will be all rogues
nerf rogues then it will be all ww

whatever it is there is always be something that is way stronger than others and people will reroll it immediately.

would only be better if class balance would be waaaaay closer but that never really happened in the past I guess

Nerf all of them and dk might be good again


I see what your saying, theres always going to be a “best class” maybe it just feels worse because a class just doing stupid damage that is almost unkiteable feels really opressive to play against. i have heard on reddit posts that the damage in the new 9.2 ptr apparently feels slower so thats pretty cool. Im no game developer or class designer so i honestly have no idea how you could fix certain things. For example if a rogue cant do huge damage in there burst windows they are pointless. No idea how to change that without the rogue feeling bad. Idk maybe this is all just a deep hatred of Demonhunter if it was up to me id make them like blue mage in final fantasy 14 and make them even more ridiculous but only let them play in certain Pve/Pvp Situations like dungeons/world content and non rated pvp. make them even scarier and live up to the bullsh*t hype of being illidan reincarnate just do it over there with a group of others like you and stay there.

i mean i know thats not the best solution at all. i didn’t want to say nerf there mobility because that would just be crazy

Btw all physical damage dealing specs (besides Fury Warrior) are overtuned this season. And guess what… New defensive trinket next patch absorbs magic damage. Well… Blizzard designers

Short answer: no
Long answer: lol no

Assa deals poison dmg
Sub shadow dmg
Ret holy

So only warrior and monks are overtuned.

And bleed damage

Only on Shadowblades and it’s usually Mage killing you in RMP

Ret is only doing disgusting damage when paired with Necro Warrior giving it 400 Mastery from the banner. Ret in other comps is fine.

Eviscerate also does 50 % additional shadow damage when target has Find Weakness (=always) and conduit enhances all shadow damage by 16%ish.

In general subtlety’s physical bypasses 40 % armor due to Find Weakness anyway, so they were not as “buffed” by the armor nerfs at the start of the season.

Have u seen dh’s recently?

Anyway I think that Sub Rogue damage is last of the problems in RMP. Cloaked in Shadows conduit and 7 sec Kidney are the real problems.

Bleed damage isn’t affected by armor in any way in this game.

Assa basically ignores armor, aside from autos and mutilate. The armor changes did not impact the spec, and further changes won’t.

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My point is that Rogues damage isn’t overtuned anyway.

I just pointed that bleeds are physical.

Aw, this part was cute.

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Yea, well, Im afraid it wont be enough anyway. Sorry.

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Deathknight so heavilly underplayed right now. I think it has something to do with frost has to use the chillstreak thing to burst when its easilly countered. i always loved unholy and still think its pretty strong but why would you ever play it when theres Dh who takes less ramp up and is about 6-7x easier to play

I doubt we will see any changes. 2 legendaries and no versa offensive bonus from trinkets will stir things up alot and make any change either way too much or too less.

The issue is of course 2nd legendary will be learned like what, 4 weeks into the patch?

Add that the time it will take for things to settle down.

It will take around 2 to 3 months for any meaningful change to come to 9.2.

Certain things will be nerfed (Like Necro Demo’s 70k demombolta due to Shards of Annh. and Balespider stacking) but its just meh stuff.

idk what you mean, rdruid is getting buffs :innocent:

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