Any plans for an official solo 'Party Sync' and how you can in 8.2.5 right now!

I am on this train too. I started in Legion and I want to do all of the old content, much of which I haven’t really seen, but doing it at max level is plain boring.

I can confirm you are able to party sync with your own accounts on Bnet, so I have been able to access party sync by forming a group with my trial account 'WoW 2" and scale down my main account accordingly. So for those wanting this system you can access ‘solo’ party sync via this method, I have been able to enjoy leveling my 104 through Kalimdor while my trial character in the group is AFK in another client, this is akin to multiboxing without any of their specific tools, just leave the other wow client open as the character must be connected to the party.


  1. Open main client and log-in with the character you want to level IE: a 104 mage
  2. Add or open your WoW 2 (or what ever additional account tied to your Bnet). This does not need subscription, however if on a trial status this method only allows level <60 party sync, if your additional account has membership you can party sync with any character. Log-in on your ‘target’ character you wish to Party sync down to.
  3. Invite the ‘target’ character on your main, accept the invite and activate party sync.
  4. Enjoy! You can now leave your target character afk anywhere and go about leveling your main in your chosen Synced level bracket.

This allows for ‘solo’ party sync until Blizzard mull over implementing this as a feature.

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Would love it. Have had a hard time inviting any low levels to do dungeons with.

Yeah I did find it an unnecessary hurdle to access the great system, but you can at least work around that problem if you run a second client but be nice not to have to resort to that.

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Yup. I just tried it, and this works. I just did a couple of quests, enough to see the effect, so I don’t have numbers on effectiveness, but it does mean that solo Party Sync is effectively in the game now, for zones up to 60.

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I do wonder why they went for syncing rather than letting you manually lower your own level to do content.

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I assume it was the vision of getting players to group up and be more social, the intention is very much from a positive place. I just feel, given the feature has so much more scope for replay-ability built in, the need for a party requirement seems superfluous. At least it’s easy to work within these restrictions when looking for a ‘solo’ version, be nice for them to consider allowing this a more wide-reaching toggle you can choose to enable, similar to warmode being enabled or not. I think at this stage in the WoW life-cycle player choice is a positive thing.


This is a facility that Trion offer in RIFTS and I personally think it’s a great idea. However there is the possibility that this system has been copywriten by Trion and if so then Blizzard would be unable to use it without permission and possibly paying royalties.

Having said that I don’t know much about these things so It’s just a theory.

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That kind of system can not be copyrigthed so that should not be a problem. A software functionality is not protected by copyright nor patents.

Well, Party Sync is more than just lower the player level. It also sync the list of completed quests to allow players to repeat it. That is easiers to make it in the current format because they only sync the player quests list with the lower player. To make a solo sync they need to show some sort of quests list to select wich to repeat or have some templates of quests from characters are different story points to sync. I want one of those options but I understand why they have made this easier system first.

Well IF there is indeed a Level Squish coming in 9.0 / new expansion, they actually MAY do exactly that… but until Blizzcon we will not know anything official … :confused:

It’s actually strange it is so soon and we still have no schedule for BlizzCon… (Nightborne way: WHAT ARE YOU/THEY HIDING?)

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Honest;y I feel the system is already fit for purpose as each time you party sync all previous quests become repayable from the start + your level and rewards adjust, just annoying I need to use a second client to access this feature when mates aren’t online. Hopefully they recognise the potential and just add a additional level sync button in the quest menu for “solo sync”. I honestly feel this system, if adjusted to allow easier solo access, would negate the need for a level squish, as now all content is accessible/relevant to the leveling process.

I have really enjoyed RIFTs system. Although I’ve not played in years, there used to be events in all the zones and people just lowered their level to take part, we had max players take us through dungeons because they could lower their level and help out etc.

I do think Blizz is trying to put it’s own spin on the system. They went for scaling for levelling and are doing this sync thing to encourage more playing together. I agree with Felftiz on that, get more social interaction going.

I have no idea if you can copy right a system in a game.

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I read about someone repeating one quest over and over syncing with syncing, they chose a quick easy quest to do. They’d worked out doing it something like 10 times got them a level.

This is why we can’t have nice things… ffs

Blizzard introduce new system, 0.5% of playerbase: ABUSE!!!

I loved it too. Best part was that it brought whole community to same events and activities and allowed different levels play side by side co operating even when not groupped together. Low level areas were never empty but full of players. Also bit off topic but i miss how Rift devs had often events when they logged in the game as huge boss mobs and we were able to hunt them down in open world and try to kill them. And once we got them killed they logged in their “normal” characters and joined with us in pvp matches where they did funny things to opposing team (turning them into some lizards and such). :rofl:

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It’s like the layering in Classic. No matter what they do, there will always be someone looking for ways to abuse it.

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I wish they would just ban abusers and make abusing so “not worth it” by punishment that abusers would either quit, be banned or learn to play civil ways and then we could have all the nice things again. I am so tired of having my game modified to worse just because “someone might abuse it”. :laughing:


Not exactly, you won’t be able to repeat every quest with party sync, only the quest that the lower player you are synching has not completed, because the system removes from your completed quests list the quest that the other players have not yet completed. This only allows for solo sync to do it with the simplest version, the completed quests list of a player that has no completed a single quest.

That would be better than not being able to repeat quests but I think Blizzard could do better and allow to solo sync with other points of the game, just like FF15 has introduced in their patch 5.1, New Game+, they allow players to repeat again the quests from the Main Scenario Questchain and they give players a few points to start NG+, more or less match the first quest of every major patch and expansion.

For example, that sync as is now would require to complete every quest of the War Campaign from the start, I would like to be able to repeat the War Campaign and choose to start at the beginning of every patch. It would require to complete the Class Hall campaign from the start including the first artifact, I would like to be able to repeat starting at different points, for example at the start, after unlocking the first artifact, before the first campaign quests at 110 and before the first quest from patch 7.2. The same could be said about long quest chains like Zandalar Forever, it requires to complete all the plotlines of the 3 110-120 zones, that could be another point to be able to choose.

I think Blizzard should provide a few templates of quests completed to solo sync and maybe allow addons to change quest to uncompleted in Party Sync to have more freedom.

They sync with a lower level player that has not completed the quest they want to do it, so they sync, completed the quest with the hight level player but the low-level player don’t complete the quest and after that disable party sync and then they enable party sync again, when they do that party sync reset the quests completed to the state the low player has, and that allows to do the same quest over and over again.

That is how Party Sync works, it reduces the hight level player lever and removes from his quest completed any quest that has not been completed by both.

I’m not sure why you thought I needed an explanation for a point I raised but thanks :slight_smile: :woman_shrugging:

I was demonstrating how no matter what systems Blizzard put in place, someone will find a way of abusing it.