Anybody get the bgs where you have no party/raid?

I had this happen to me maybe 15-20 times since Korrak, sometimes other player have been in same position and other times i’m just not in the raid group.

It’s actually a pretty fun challenge as a healer as I have to click the hp frames and pay more attention to the player than the raid frame on the side.
Have to use /say or /yell which is interesting, most recently had this in Ashran and everybody was in same boat, I set up a raid via /yell but I couldn’t invite the horde on merc mode to the raid :sweat_smile:

I get it’s a bug but as far as bugs go… I really like the difference.
You folks had this? What do you think?

Yeh had it a few times. Very annoying.
Can’t see where allies are on map, can’t communicate or read instructions.
Can only imagine it’s a nightmare for healers/raid frames.

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Really does mix things up, when I heal I don’t mind it’s when I am playing dps it’s a bit more tricky finding those heals if you deviate from the mass!

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