Anyone that is not satisfied with the current state of the game - unsubscribe

Maybe you should’ve read Superdata’s report rather than fall for Bellular’s attention bait. Basically what Superdata said, and they’re very reliable, is that the population drop is in line with expectations as it’s what’s been happening since the game came out. The majority of players do not do endgame and they unsub when they run out of things to do. For them, M+ and raids are not content, and when the game revolves around that, they simply unsub. You cannot fix this. In BFA the problem was that the population loss during the first patch was double the average.

The feedback you give is with your wallet, my dude. Like I said - the forums exist for philosophizing, nothing else. They do not exist to enact change.

I suggested it elsewhere, I’ll do it again. To get the solo queue experience, make an M+ group. Then invite the first people that apply. Do not check class, spec, RIO. Just invite the first ones. See how it goes. That will be the solo queue experience. Same with pvp - just make an arena group. You can check rating, but you cannot discriminate based on spec or class. Solo queues will always be destroyed by premades. Do you think solo queue will work?

In games like R6 Siege and DOTA, you select your character at the beginning of the match and your selection can adapt to your team’s composition, your assumptions about the enemy, it can adapt to banned characters, etc. In WoW it can’t because you made your choice of character long, long ago. Whenever solo queue is added, you will complain that you get destroyed by premades and how solo queue and premades should be in a separate ranking. The reason Blizz is careful when they listen to entitled customers is that the more they give you, the more you want.

It started with alts sharing nothing with the main. And everyone was happy. Alts were just separate. Now alts share SO MUCH and people are asking for even more to be shared. Because when Blizzard gives you an inch you take a mile. That’s why they don’t want to listen to people like you.

And you’re up in here like “waaa, they don’t listen to me, they don’t make the game I want so everyone should unsub”. You talk about “us” when you mean yourself. You think yourself a representative of the community, a person who can mobilize community action, mass unsubs! Bruh, come on. It’s just a game. Play it or not, it doesn’t matter.


I think if less people pre ordered these expacs then they would take notice. No point boycotting them now. The expac has been payed for. It seems the world and his wife pre order, every time.

Then why do you argue with me when I literally said the same thing.

I don’t care what are you suggesting since during Blizzconline they said they will work on it but they need us to be more vocal. How can we be more vocal if we literally ask for it with every possible way of feedback and it’s not only solo queue but many more things like PvP gearing for example. We give them feedback for 3 expansions and even if they pretend they listen they still mess it up.

I don’t mean myself - check PvP forums on both EU and US. There is no me there are US but just because you don’t agree with US don’t pretend WE are not existing. Once again this post wasn’t addressed to you at all. If you are happy with the game - go and play it.

How big of ego problems you need to have to think this was addressed to you.

This time SL had record sales for obvious reasons (pandemy etc.) but it lost so many players it has less subs than 8.3 corruption patch btw. You don’t need to do much - just open LFG to see how many people left. Check queues for different things.

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A lot of the people played happily through the story. They don’t have the problems with the game that you have.

That’s true but this post wasn’t addressed to this part of the community but to these who post a lot of feedback and are forever ignored so next expansion they will finally do just a little bit of what we asked for but still add some of their agenda to it like with PvP vendors.

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Then people should stop mentioning unsubs-numbers. This topic is even a call out to unsub.

If I’m not enjoying a game I will take a break from it. However, I am still playing WoW and am still finding loads of things to do.

Because you’re being sanctimonious. That’s all. I’ve said multiple times people who don’t like the game should unsub. There’s nothing wrong with that sentiment. Saying others should unsub because Blizz doesn’t listen to you specifically is my problem. It’s cringe.

Solo queue in pvp won’t work. People already complain about being thrashed in random bgs by premades, in a competitive setting it will be even worse. I am for solo queue however, because it will give organized players free rating farm. Which is ultimately good.

Holy crackers. That sounds really bad. Link the source please, I need to read this in detail.

But still it’s not addressed to you then why do you even reply to my post. The only cringe person here is you thinking that everything is addressed to you.

I don’t care what is your feedback about solo queue. I care about clear communication from their end during Blizzconline and it was pretty clear that they want to hear more and we did more.

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Yeah but my problem with the game are different than OP. mine are more social. Was merely suggesting a different way for OP to do his thing. Ya know, the problem I have isn’t going to make me quit. This is just a rainy day hobby for me.

Projecting much.

Changing how rated pvp queuing works is not something that can be done in 2 weeks, my dude. If you make a suggestion now, it will take a while before it enters the game. This is why you’re being sanctimonious and unreasonable.

Here’s a task for you. Ask yourself what goes into making solo queue for rated pvp. Then try to tear down your own arguments. Then find solutions for the problems you discovered.

I’ll give you an example. Solo queue will pick randoms. Premades will pick specific comps. Specific comps will always win. So… solo queue should take into account team comp on top of just rating. Okay. But that would probably mean non-meta classes will be completely dead in the water, as no comp will take them. That means…

You get the idea. You can go up to 10 problems in that vein. Then you can start finding solutions. If you can’t think of 10 problems with solo queue and 10 solutions, you haven’t thought it through enough.

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I don’t care about what you said. I had clear indication from dev team and I was lied to. That matters to me.

We indicate a problem with gear upgrades in PvP and it’s yet ignored. This matters to me not your opinion about solo queue. BTW you don’t even PvP and you are telling me how PvP works and how it should work. Hilarious.

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A lot of people dont bother with the forums, otherwise threads of all kinds would have been rolling a lot more. So the silent majority does what it does anyway.

But putting it as 190 vs 226…hell yeah the former should lose! My skinner alt that I only use for professions is higher ilvl.

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Let’s start with why the guy with ilvl that requires you to get 2400+ rating is on 1200 cr where these 190 alts should be before they are geared. If you play arena you will suddenly realize that every bracket right now is full of 40 k geared people. By getting higher you are not progressing you are actually regressing ilvl difference between you and players you play against. This is just unhealthy. While I understand that if you meet 40 k hp Gladiator player in BG he should smash you but if someone got it in RBG but now is not able to break 1400 in arenas and he gatekeeps for new players/these who joined the expansion later then there is a huge problem.

Gearing in PvP doesn’t work like in PvE. In PvE it is indicator of progression in PvP it’s one of the way to customize your character. It was for years like that. Literally everything that Tom Chilton directed PvP gearing to was buried and now we get PvE model applied to PvP gearing that doesn’t work for the 2nd expansion in a row.

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If Blizz has already started working on solo queue for rated pvp, it will take at least a year before it enters the game. Of course, if we assume they started listening after Blizzconline and decided to put solo queue, it’s probably still in the planning phase. Generally studios plan their work for around a year ahead, so anything new, unless it’s an emergency and solo queue isn’t, is put at the back of the queue.

In WoW, the solo queue comes with a lot of extra challenges. Because unlike a game like DOTA, in WoW you have many extra variables. In DOTA, all that matters is your rating as a player. In WoW, what matters is your rating as a character, your progression on that character, your stat balance, gear, class, spec. Things that you can’t change at the drop of a hat based on the team’s demands.

Solo queue will probably come first for M+ and we may see that in 9.2 or 9.3. It will ship with a ton of problems and Blizz will use the lessons they learn from it to apply to balancing team comps without leaving non-meta specs dead. Then, maybe in 9.4 or 10.0 you can hope for solo queue for rated pvp. I don’t know of a single MMO like WoW that has solo queue for rated pvp. It’s because that is incredibly complex to get to work properly and literally nobody has managed to do it.

In R6: Siege you change your characters between rounds - you do this to keep your team unpredictable and also to fill utility holes if there were any in the previous round. In Overwatch, you could change your character in the middle of the match. Not sure if that’s still the case, I played it for very little. In WoW, you picked a character 2 months ago and that’s all you have. I hope the problems are obvious. These unique problems will take ages to solve.

You’re an immediate gratification demanding customer. You ordered a mechanic and are blasted that Blizzard can’t cook it up immediately. This is why you’re sanctimonious. Quit being such a baby.

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I don’t need to see it. If they said that they need us to be more vocal and we were more vocal. All they need to say is that they will work on it not that they won’t and that’s what happened. Ignoring PvP ilvl problem is also hilarious but you still don’t understand what the purpose of post was.

Again it wasn’t addressed to you. Stop trying hard to have conversation with me. I wasn’t posting towards you. Go back to farming torghast and anima.

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They are addressing the pvp ilvl problem. The ultimate goal of WoW is progression. It’s not about just skill in the moment to moment combat. Gear has to matter. Period. People who are behind aren’t entitled to high rating.

Oh and also, all addons should be disabled in arena. Especially enemy cooldown tracking.

Oh and one last thing - maybe your idea is just bad. Popularity doesn’t equal quality. Justin Bieber is very popular and commentary youtubers are very popular too. Don’t get me started on prank channels. I support solo queue as fodder for premades. That’s all it will be.

But it doesn’t touch the problem of boosting and people abusing their gear from other sources which is currently huge problem. 2x Blizzcon winners losing to random 1200 plebs is a big deal:

Justin Bieber actually can sing and he didn’t deserve huge hate he received just because he was young, talented and people were salty about him being promoted. I’m 30+ and I never understood hate on Justin.

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I read the entire thread because of this statement and I’m still not sure where it just came from.

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