Anyone that is not satisfied with the current state of the game - unsubscribe

That’s what I’m wondering too. It’s OP’s claim, not mine. His most recent statement on the matter is “it’s on google, duh, I’m not going to find it for you”, which is really quite rude. If he’s going to use a 50% player drop as an argument, you’d think it would be worth backing the argument up with solid proof.

@Drae, Korsbaek:

People may be referring to the original source of some parts of the article I linked above. Unfortunately it appears that Nielsen has decided to discontinue SuperData and at least my quick search failed to locate the original page, which I have read earlier as this is not really a new topic any more.

Thank you. I highly doubt that is his source, rather than a number he just pulled out of his ___, but if we assume it is then yes, 41% drop in active users would be quite notable.

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That’s not what I said there. They’re entitled to their own thoughts as absolutely incorrect and silly it may be.

It just looks like these people try to defend Blizzard no matter what, as if they’re attempting to justify the abysmal state that the game is in, trying to put the blame on anything but the actual cause.

If I recall correctly, these two in particular are actually known for their bad takes and Blizzard shilling.

You can’t keep blaming everything on Warlords of Draenor. Blizzard started making incredibly bad game development choices FAR before Warlords and kept doing so far after Warlords.

It’s a shame that you can’t see that because I honestly don’t feel like listing it all out and explaining it to you.

They absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt would be.

It is not. Something can be objectively bad and any persons opinion on that will not change that fact.

“There are worse iterations of the game, therefore Shadowlands is great!” is really the hill you wish to die on?

That reflects in no way on how good or bad Jagex is treating their player feedback.

Enlighten me: What do you believe is so good about WoW as it is today?

They don’t need to try anything different if what they currently do works for their current playerbase – which it does.

That is indeed the joke.

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Same! I’d love to see this data. You’d hope it would be easy to find since his whole argument is based on this data. Would be awkward if it was made up…

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What is the point of even saying this? I am confused as to your argument here. Although I agree with what you said (that if you’re not having fun then you should probably quit), this whole “Us” “you” “who is US” nonsense is pointless and serves no logical purpose in a discussion/argument or in general.
Is it to imply that the opposing side is composed of a minority of people? If your stance on a game is based off of the amount of other people that enjoy it, then it is pointless.
It’s sort of like the pop music mindset “This song is 6 months old, no one listens to it anymore, I can’t enjoy it now”

Also, when someone says “us” they don’t need to go around asking every single person of earth if they want to be included in the “us”. “Us” means, “me and other like-minded people”.

Thank you :heart:

I’m pretty sure that this was the intent. When someone says something, it’s their own opinion. That doesn’t need to be pointed out, because if not an opinion, what else can it even be? I think that it’s a given that when someone says something, it is supposed to be their own opinion. Just like mine.

EDIT: (Included Lepanto’s reply as it fits here)

The point is that the OP can only really speak for himself. If he feels he should cancel, he should, that is it. Sorry this is confusing.

refering to stopping posting sub numbers and it is kinda hard not refering to WOD there when it was in WOD they stopped giving numbers so it is fair to referance WOD as the reason they stopped.

nope, that is what opinions are for, my opinion no matter what it is, is just as true as your opinion even if they clash.
my saying the game is great and you saying the game is bad are both true(if that is our opinion just using this as an example nothing more)

you would have the set criteria’s that the game is judge by then, just calling it bad or the gameplay(would need a hell lot more specifik criteria’s then that) and the hard part is it should be universal so it has to be based on facts, the impossible part is fun for one is not fun for another and your judgement of the game falls flat, you can talk about it being a succes or not but that is different.
so nope any opinion is not a fact so if someone say that game is great then it is true they they are of that opinion, that you dont agree just means that it is bad for you.
the univers does not revolve around you or your opinion(it does not revolve around any of us).

that is not what i said I said that shadowlands is not the WORST, it is not saying it is the BEST or good or anyhting else other then that it is not the worst that is all it says.
shadowlands does have problems i would like fixed but it is not so bad im stopping playing and if it was i would not be here i would be playing something else, simple as.

can not say what it is as i dont know myself, just know that im comming back to wow and has done many times(for different reasons) and stayed back for different periods of time so at least they are doing something right to get me back and playing for some time(could be a few months could be years like now)

and dam you really need to get off your high horse, your opinion means just as much or as little as the next guy/girl/thing/apache helicopter/what ever just because you dont like that does not make it less true.
there is not one opinion that sets the truth for all.

so any opinion is true no matter how much it goes against you and saying otherwise shows a very high level of immaturity, so please stop and at least act like an adult(unless you are still a kid then i’m sorry as i though you where an adult).

Got quite a few likes on this post too. We better watch out, no other user has achieved such level of celebrity and power before.


I think they know exactly what they mean, I think the next one was going to be origami.

@Dottie: Oh… :frowning:

My suggestion is indeed to treat this game purely as a product, use it when you want, get out when you don’t.

Do not hold any sentimental values to it.

The latest interview made it even more clear that the devs actually think they are correct, which is honestly, you have better chances talking to a brick wall, then asking the wow devs for change.

Ability bloat give me a effin break. I can think of at least 5 abilities whether passive or active that could be added without making the rotation bloated, and if you consider completely passive effects that can basically go up to infinity, just shut up Ion! Honestly.

The message is that instead of making a progression system they want to keep juggling new systems each expansion. What a joke! Even going as far as suggesting that the playerbase actually loves the new system, yea guys we sure love them right? That’s why you weren’t able to retain the subs you gained during the expansion release, it’s because we love it! That’s why everyday you see new thread complaining about these borrowed power systems from old and new players, it’s because we love them!

I don’t know where he got those numbers, but i think there may be some manipulation to say the least, because my experience has been completely opposite, forums talk bad about it, youtube, reddit, in game, pretty much every objective measure standard talks bad about this, and you can say that it’s just a small minority, but honestly, is it? I think that at a certain point it isn’t.


Then the OP should have stated My and not Our, and certainly not stated…

You have to be really narrow minded to not understand the message. Literally 1-2 topics above or below is a topic complaining about what Ion said in an interview about ilvl difference. It’s not a rocket science that this topic refers to these people who are clearly shocked and disappointed on what he said not to all Andys like you playing the game. Before you will say that it’s “you not us”. Read the main post and if you didn’t relate to it then feel free to ignore it. In fact if you are satisfied playing WoW then there is hope and I’m glad that some devs are doing good job and at least other parts of the game receive better treatment. I don’t want WoW to die I want my favourite part of it to be as good as in it’s glory days. I’m still WoW fan and I want it to be good. Unfortunately I don’t see any positive indications towards fixing issues that stop me from enjoying ranked arena so I decided quitting is the best thing. My posts goal is also not to make people who enjoy the game quit but these who don’t enjoy quit instead of giving negative feedback. We can clearly see that similar feedback for years doesn’t work so maybe drop in subs will. Since I’m active poster on certain subforum I know that this part of the community asks for similar things as me.

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By Conduit power. Do you mean Anima charges to change them? Or the Ilvl of the Conduits them self? From what I got Ion said there is a difference in Viable and meta soulbinds. I was under the impression that our issue here where that some soulbinds are so meta compared to all else, It restricted our gameplay if we wanted to do m+. raiding or pvp over different specs. Ion also said they would try to rein the covenant abilities in on that matter. Isn’t that a good thing tho? If we could stick to one covenant for our classes that does the job if we want to pvp/pve whatever endgame we would like

I meant changing conduits yes. I will use Priest as an example of the issue. All 3 Priest specs use the same covenant in PvP because Mindgames are too strong. All of them use the same stat priority. Even two of them use the same legendary (Disc and Shadow play in PvP with Sephuz as main lego swapping to different ones if needed) but every single time you want to play Disc or Holy you have to swap you conduits because Nadja i argueably the best for all three specs due to Familiar Predicaments being too strong for any Priest spec in PvP. Conduit power is killing the idea of playing different specs here. More freedom in changing soulbinds and conduit may help less represented specs to be more viable as well since conduits can cover some weaknesses but since they are not changable you keep these universaly most useful against most enemies.

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As a rogue… I could sing a song and write a harry potter series about that as well. We have three specs that are meta for each of its different things too. But I had to make a sacrefice, and choose the ‘‘viable’’ over the meta. Heirmir for Outlaw and pve/raiding and Emeni for Assassination when I do pvp. But then again I don’t know very well how other classes may experience this issue. but reining in the soulbinds as well as the abilities and conduit change cross soulbinds would be a great help. And I think Ion said they are looking for feedback on how people are experiencing this in practice! So keep it coming!