API How to distinguish between Spell CD and GCD?

Hello, I’m trying to get a feel for APIs. As an exercise I would like to implement a WA progress bar (display of the CD of “Wild Growth” - Druid HoT with 6s CD) with custom triggers.

Version WotLK

Progress Bar Original, Trigger 1

Type: Spell (Cooldown/Charges/Count)
Spell: Wild Growth
Show:  On Cooldown

… changed to …

Progress Bar Custom, Trigger 1

Type: Custom
Event Type: Status
Check On: Every Frame

Custom Trigger
     return GetSpellCooldown("Wild Growth") ~= 0

Duration Info
     local startTime, duration = GetSpellCooldown("Wild Growth")
     return duration, startTime + duration;

The custom trigger works, but in contrast to the original trigger, it is also triggered by other spells on every GCD. Does anyone have any tips on how to solve this?

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