Aq40 gates should be scaling

“Fairly” will be in a few months, when the event autocompletes.

Or you can transfer the stuff to Alliance to reduce the wait.

On the bright side, more accessible legendary bugs for you!

dude, ashbringer is ally favor server ( I have 60 dwarf warr at server) but even at ally favor server, horde own almost every map… its not about numbers…face it :smiley: allys lack of pvp skill and will to fight with horde… so phase 2 was not about numbers…

Ofc not, peps went for alliance cos they are better for pve content (hi paladin blessings), and pvp oriented people went to horde.

Probably because they are doing things that are more productive then sitting in a discord call with 8 other people, chilling in BRM entrance all day griefing :slight_smile: I could be wrong but its my experience of it. I don’t shy away from wPvP just not a fan of people taking things too far for a 5 minute laugh when it could effect the other players perspective of the game. (I’m not one of these people)

No. You just are one and i can say it to your face.

Keep crying for my healthy server scum

Ohhh what a big guy you are :grin: pleb

Flamelash peeps got what they deserved, have to say the people from Flamelash in bgs tend to be extra salty and toxic, so no wonder Alliance left the realm.

I’m sitting here wondering if you’re the Wmil I know from WOTLK Quel’Thalas.
You can transfer materials to the other faction using the neutral AH. So you can still open your gates. It’s not ideal, but it’s perfectly reasonable. Alternatively you can transfer to one of the Alliance dominated servers, to even the population ratios a bit.

Lmao, how to generalize. If you think there’s more toxic player in Flamelash than Gehennas and Sulfuron and Shazzrah, can’t do anything for u dude. The first is a dead server, the lasts are overcrowded realm with giga population. More probability to find toxic player in thoses lasts realm than a dead realm.

Sorry mate. You guys were all over world pvp release and drove ally off your server. You made your bed, now lie in it. - Thanks

It wasn’t blizz screwing them. The horde screwed themselves BIG TIME! Behave like a jerk, and you get what you deserve.

Yes that is correct i am him name vvas taken so have 2 ll’s. :slight_smile:

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