Are Naga immortal or just long lived?

did we get anything about their lifespan in Nazjatar???

we know that Azshara and Vashj are well over 10,000 years so they are definitely immortal.

in Warcraft Encyclopedia, it was stated that most of the Naga who are immortal are women.

It probably has to do with the fact that most mages of the naga are female, as the males within naga society seems to mostly serve in the role of brutes and footsoldiers. We know that mages can live extremely long with people like the human Aegwynn living for hundreds of years.

Other than that we have no information about this matter. In the old RPG-books it was mentioned that the naga still have a natural longevity and some developed mutations which made them live even longer. It’s likely that most of them can still live several hundred of thousand of years. Combining this with the fact that they seemingly reproduce quite fast their seemingly endless numbers would start to make more sense.

It’s also likely that the “court” of Aszhara was granted a longer life if not immortality either by herself or N’zoth. They are her favorites after all. So, people like Vashj and maybe the naga couple before her boss fight probably lived for ten thousand years already.

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yeah, probably true.

unless Azshara only give immortality to women for some reason xd

but I guess they just made themselves immortal via magic.

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