How I said. N’zoth did a lot of damage to Azeroth during warcraft. But Garrosh fall was predictable, I mean it’s realistic at his case. He didn’t had the power to deal with two faction, it’s a fax.
The Humans’ past history with the Orcs. Also, he held a vendetta against Varian. The Night Elves due to the stop in trade and the Horde was suffering because of that, albeit this was Twilight Hammer’s doing, but neither Garrosh nor Tyrande knew this. The Blood Elves were about to jump ship to the Alliance. He basically had Jaina commit the bloody deed, so neither he nor Sylvanas had to get involved with dealing with Lor’themar’s betrayal of conversing with Stormwind.
The Cataclysm, you mean, breaking rocks? That event that killed no significant lore character, despite Deathwing literally standing on Stormwinds’ towers at one point?
Yeaaah. He achieved nothing (of significance), sorry!
He (as someone from Outland) didn’t had many reasons to be angry at the alliance, it was more the reason of being a hothead and a jerk. If he would have more sence for diplomacy he wouldn’t have any reason to hate them for acting reasonable.
Fandral was killed. Man, we shouldn’t just listen important characters. He caused much damage to Azeroth and their people.
Absolutely, Baine will have his supporters, Sylvanas still has hers. The Horde is pretty divided (or should be) right now in that respect.
Plus starting war for the sake of it, well it may have been Sylvanas’ intentions all along to get a lot of people sent to the Maw, but as explained in one of these short stories (I think), her logic then (pre-BfA) to Saurfang was reasonable.
How long will peace last until someone else can’t get over past issues, old animosities, deep seated hatreds or whatever? Even Saurfang grudgingly accepted it (at the time).
But yeah the story now seems to be that Sylvie just wanted everyone dead
It’s not biased, it’s the truth. What would you do with Orcs at this point? Would you let them alive so they can continue to kill your folks or do you have a better alternative?
Do you miss Sylvanas when she was just the “Banshee Queen”, because I do.
I’m not interested in this Val’kyr, Vrykul story arc that they had going for her. I preferred Sylvanas when she had Human, Highborne and High Elves Banshees all around her and doing their mistress’ bidding.
That was the Banshee Queen.