Are there Templates?

I am looking for something that will set for the different roles I am playing. Talents, pvp talents, gear set, soulbind and tree part of soulbind.

Few examples.
I do pvp and I defend a flag
Or I do pvp and I carry flag.
Or I do wpvp and I want pvp single target damage.
Or I do pve and I tank dungeon
Or I do pve and I want single target damage.

Now every time I set all things manually. Any ideas?

There are addons that make it easy to macro all of these. Soulbind Conduit Manager is one of them (handles soulbind and conduits; you can set a preset, and use /scm select <name> or something along those lines to use a preset), and there are a bunch of addons for talents, and the built-in equipment manager for gear. Combine three of them into convenient macros, perhaps shove them into an oPie ring, and you’re set.

For example, I’m using the aforementioned SCM, along with ElvUI_BetterTalents, and my macro to set up my talents, gear, soulbind and conduits for M+ healing is this:

/equipset M+: VI
/scm select M+: Heal
/run local E=unpack(ElvUI); TP=E:GetModule("BetterTalentsFrame_TalentProfiles"); TP:ActivateProfile(5)

I also have a few macros that slightly augment my talents, for example instead of manually switching to Mass Root for spiteful week or PF, I simply use this in an oPie ring:

#showtooltip {{spell:102359}}
/run id=GetTalentInfoBySpecialization(4,4,2); LearnTalent(id)

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