Are you re-rolling in 8.2? if so what are you playing?

Looking to re-roll in 8.2 and I’m just unsure what to play! I’ve somehow ended up with several classes at 120 and most of them now are at least 380+ in ilvl. Just curious what other players are thinking/knowing they’re re rolling / using as there main.

Never… I will stick with this char for alliance and bloodelf dk for horde.

Rolling back to my Paladin as it’s the only class I actually enjoy playing


I am gowing to play a mage and a druid and a paladin
Zanda druid
This mage
Dreanei paladin

Well i have this priest at ilvl 407 and a Nightborne mage around 395 ilvl. On the alliance side i have a Draenei DK arond 370 ilvl. i want to level za zandalari druid but a bit lazy atm. Probably i wll stick with the priest since i have pathfinder part 1 ready only on this character!

From my knowledge Pathfinder part 1 unlocks on all your characters at least for me it is but the only thing to keep in maind is they all need to be on the same server/alliance.

OT, I think I will try to play this warrior whitch I let down at the start of BFA. I main a huntard on alliance side but idk … I like more the combat of the warrior fastpeace and bloody smashing things then pew pew from far away with red arrows …

no re-rolling for me. Im always a BM hunter and have been since I first started the game!
I do have other classes leveled but I always go back to my hunters (currently have 5 at 120 and working on no6!).

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I really don’t know, struggling to pick 2 classes I want to main. I’m torn between rogue/DH and prot war/ prot pally.

War and outlaws getting nerfed, still think there going to be top tank/AoE dps. Gonna wait a bit closer and see what the numbers are like.

Go with biggest ST damager you prefer to catch the meta in 8.2
We are entering an artificial slow down more, cause apparently we aren’t fighting enough trash and fun must be avoided at all costs.

I have 5 chars at 120 lv. I will go with hunter and lock maybe mage. Will see it :roll_eyes:

Ret for fat crits.

Read that last bit wrong, and spewed out abit of coffee laughing.

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This has been my main ever since I discovered it. I never change, no matter what they do to the class. Good or bad I stick with it.

Too attached to it, too much history.


I went on a tanking phase a while back, I will say that prot pally was by far the most enjoyable.

Good aoe, plenty of oh sh*t buttons, and amazing visuals.

Also assassin rogue is still good.

i;ll be playing my mage 410 ilvl.
ready for 8.2

I play a bit of everything. I don’t really play my rogue much anymore cause of class design feeling weak and not living up to how well rogue performed in prior expansions in the content I enjoyed doing.

Im keeping with my trusty MW and fire mage gpie style. Really enjoying both lately :slight_smile:

I have all classes at 120 thanks to empty BFA, one of each and two warlocks, as they used to be my mains.

I will probably go with rogue or marksmanship hunter.

My dark iron dwarf warlock was a fiasco, as I planned her for PvP due to racial traits, but gave up on it altogether, because of PvE gear imbalance.

I might also consider priest, as it’s the last remaining somewhat viable PvP dot class.

I might re-roll to OW or Apex this game isn’t getting any better lmfao

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