Arena Healing/BG Healing

In Arena healing I read that it makes sense to have macros to target your team mates (party1, party2, party3?) directly? Now I cannot use the same macros for bgs obviously since I need to heal more people than just my two teammates.

Are there macros that I could use as mouseover heals for the raid/bg and for party members at the same time or would that have to be 2 different buttons?

If there have to be 2 different buttons is there a smart way to switch between arena healing UI and BG healing UI so that I could use the same key(s)?

Edit: Maybe I just add a macro to target party1 (is that myself?), party2 and party3 and then I can use the same buttons? … or would it be better to use focus somehow so that I can stay on an enemy target while healing my teammates? Or should I go the “targetstarget” route? Man this is so complex … :frowning:

Basically you need to set it up as two separate lines, one that gets discarded if you’re not in a group or in a group larger than arena size.

/cast [nogroup] [@group4,exists] ; [@party1] Spell - this is the arena line
/cast Spell - this executes outside of arenas

So the first line says: if you’re not in a group or a group with 4 people do nothing. Else do arena stuff
Then the 2nd line, which will be GCD blocked if the first line casts something, handles the out-of-arena conditions.
You can expand the functionality however you’d like.

You can eliminate some error feedback in arenas by including this between the two cast lines.
/stopmacro [group,@group4,noexists]

/cast [nogroup][@group4,exists]; [@party1] Spell
/stopmacro [group,@group4,noexists]
/cast Spell

That looks like it would be what I need. Thanks again.

May I ask if you think this is the correct approach for healing or is there a better way … maybe with an addon?

I don’t actively arena so I’m not an expert in this regard but if you look at videos of people who do high level arena you’ll see they generally have multiple of the same spell on their bars so that they can precisely target each and every cast in the most efficient way possible, via @unit macros.

For PVE healing and lower end PVP it’s preference. Some people, like myself, use mouseover macros, others use Clique or Vuhdo to do click based casting.

I would suggest you take a look at the addon “clique”
Fills the same function as mouseover macros, but is way faster and easier to set up, especially if you have multiple characters.
And it does not mess with your regular keybinds, your clique binds will only work when you mouse over a unit/raid/party frame.

If there is no difference to just having mouseover macros Id rather not use it to not depend on it if it is not supported anymore or is buggy.

It’s been supported for several expansions and even works in classic.
But to each their own. If you’d rather write a bunch of macros, go for it =)

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