Armor and Warriors

This. But there’s a bug difference. While assa actually has to press some buttons in order to apply their bleeds, warrs do it with their pve rotation.
It’s a kind of a joke, that arms bleeds are actually better than the feral ones while the feral ones requires cp+tigers fury+bloodtalons and even survival instinct with atleast 2 traits.
We literally sacrifice one of our defensive CDs in order to do damage and still nothing happens since your dead in 3 globals

It is silly that arms has so powerful bleeds. But you have to remember if we don’t talent stormbolt then we dont have any stun cc. Yes i know all warriors should take stormbolt when doing some pvp activity. But lack of cc should give some higher damage. Imo warrior is in good place now and dont need any damage buffs.

It’s not the damage, but the effort you need inorder to have those dots

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