Armoury not updating since last night

its rly too hard to fix that problem?

Almost 24 hours later and there is no one in this company who can tell more or fix the issue? Very disappointing!

Wondered why my raider .io rating was not increasing. :frowning:

Done over 30 6+ and cant see any of them on my armory page :frowning:

would love to get my armory updated

Same issue there.
Any response Blizzard support?

Ok i know blizzard dont care but for me its the last chance…i done all dongeon at 10 this week lots of hours gameplay…ifs it not updated wow done for me at 20box per month its joke.

Same here been like this since friday.

this is getting ridiculous there is only one day left for chance to get raider io score for this week. plz fix already 4 days to investigate is not acceptable with all those people reporting the problem.



I hope that if I did +11, on Wednesday I will get a reward for +11 and not for +9, which I did earlier. If you don’t fix it by Wednesday and people will get a weaker reward, are you going to fix it somehow?

This is the beginning of the season that’s why these first prizes are so important to people.


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The game is tracking what keys you did just fine, you won’t lose any rewards. It’s their API that has the issue.

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Last armory char update is indeed before the weekend.
No response from blizzard or status update about this issue is more frustrating then the actual issue.


Dont know how it looks for you guys. But for me the correct m+ is shown in game on the mythic keystone tab. But not on armory. I guess weekly reward is based on the in game data and not from armory. So i assume and hope the weekly chest is safe.

Same issue here! wow-armory or raid-io has not updated since 23th. Fix it? As you can see blizzard theres alot of players having this problem.

No Update since 23rd, US works tho. Its very fun in the first week of the season to get no updates at all, if i pay for a full price game PLUS additional 13€ on a monthly Base, i expect a way more

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Every single patch latelt got major bug. I guess we remember 8.3 as no progres patch

Same issue here

Same here, since friday. Only raid progression getting updates.

This. It really shows how poorly Blizz handles customer support. 1 generic post on quite a big issues and that’s it.
Extremely disappointing.


Same problem :sleepy: