Artisans Consortium Exploit. - Blizzard This Needs Your Attention

Rat… Snitches get stitches


Straight from the code of conduct:

exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Considering all the cocky answers given by you on these forums i can say only this:

KARMA. :slight_smile:

Also for everyone: EXPLOIT BUGS EARLY, OFTEN AND AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Nothing will be done. Like latest e.g. with Sha mount. :clown_face:


Not sure what you’re talking about. But anyway. Not really adding value to the discussion with statements like these. I would save your personal attacks for another time my friend.

Well something was done about the Sha Mount. The exploit caused it to have its Drop Rate improved overall. It was old and irrelevant content and doing so wasn’t a game killer, infact made the game better and will hopefully encourage more Drop rates increased in the future.

The Professions System is an On Box Feature of the brand new expansion that’s not even a week old yet. And someone has found away to complete exploit and derail the system and the cost of absolutely everybody who uses the Auction House in the EU Region (and from what I hear the US as well). Not only that, tt will have a huge effect on RWF.

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You’re an idiot if you actually believe that.
I know all your posts and comments are constructed without thought but this exceeds all previous nonesense.


Abusers should be banned for min 1 month and the rep they acquired through these means should be removed.


This translates into - If you want something fixed quickly - exploit it :rofl:

I think you should go google Activision results before insulting other players. There are countless articles giving figures - and one claims 5 million unsubs in 2021 Shadowlands alone. His not wrong.

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I actually googled them about two month ago, then it was said Classic had 1m-1.5m active logins and Retail about 3-3.5m active logins.
That was before DF ofcourse.

Also, I just googled them again.
The article says Battle net revenue grew by 16%…

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But like what is an unfair advantage? The option to switch professions was there to all players (the most basic example was that you picked up mining/herbalism for levelling to pick some nodes, then later switched to crafting professions for whatever reason).

It’s not like switching professions is bannable or something really tricky/shady to do.

Also given the amount of effort to level every single profession to 50, then complete the quests with it, I would totally consider it normal. (Not counting that from a role playing perspective training yourself in multiple professions to gain the reputation with a faction that built on craftmanship is pretty neat)

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Just dropping and retaking it let’s you do it.

It needs fixed.

I’m 99% sure that’s not true according to my knowledge and experience. You need to learn different professions and complete different quests. You can’t complete the same professional quest twice, you need to level another profession up and complete the quest belonging to that profession.

How much perception those are giving? tooltip says +24 on all three.

This is correct. Basically you need to level up, and unlearn every single profession

Well you could say that about any Exploit or Bug or “Feature”. But at the end of the day it’s a matter of Intention by Blizzard, not a matter of “well everyone could do it”. And it would never have been hot fixed so quickly if that were intended.

I’m sorry, but no matter how to try and sell it, getting 5500 or more rep with a Time Locked Reputation Faction on the first day of the Expansion IS an exploit. That is at least 5 weeks advantage ahead of everyone else and probably more.

Denial of knowing what you’re doing, is not a defence for abusing an exploit.

Sure, now imagine how it feels for the player who went about his day playing the game the way it was intended to find out about this after they dropped 4.2 million gold of expenses into levelling their profession, the non-expliotative way.

Do you think I want to drop all that progress just to start again? Just because they missed out on the “bonus rep” (although would probably be cheaper now).

how is this exploit??? its like the anima thing between alts/catchup. … its cosmetic/low power rewards, it requires huge resources/gold/money/alts/guild grinding for you…
nobody cares you lost your monopoly of some enchant craft

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How is it not an exploit? Putting yourself weeks ahead of everyone else progress.

I’m not going to go into details about how it works. But it is definitely unintentional.

Whatever, that’s not what this is about. Now a few players have fully maxed out their Professions using exploitative means and maintain the Monopoly over the entire Regions (that is every economy in the EU realms), because they used an exploitative process which has put them Weeks ahead of everyone else. A process that can no longer be repeated.

And the worst part is that nobody has a chance to catch up with them. That is why this is wrong.

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You mean hotfixed in a week? That’s quite far from quick.

You can say it’s clever use of game mechanics but there were far greater issues with launch so the probability of Blizzard banning someone for this is pretty low.

Denial of wrong doing, isn’t a defence of wrong doing.

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