As an Alliance player, there's no valid argument against exterminating the Horde

Alliance already tried to exterminate other races - they just weren’t the Horde. They even have a quest to target and kill children for a beginner quest.

So yea this thread is amusing me.
Because it shows how much the players of this faction were catered so much to them to show thrm as goodie goodie to be completely oblivious when they did truly horrendous acts or acted EXACTLY like the Horde long before Horde even appeared.

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Nah, that is explicitly not to wipe the trolls out, but to keep their population low enough that they can’t do too much damage, when the next generation of troll raiders has grown up. It’s evil enough as is, you don’t have to misrepresent it.

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Killing of the children taking over the land, stealing possession of natives.

Attempt to entierly wipe out Shatterspear tribe by night elves.

Amani genocide simply because they fought to defend their homeland.

Just because they’re still here doesn’t mean that such horrid acts were not commited on them.

I simply hate double standarts.


That’s because the writing team are drunk.

I kind of envy him in a way. I want to be able to go “lalala I see nothing” to a lot of current lore.

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That’s not aiming for the extermination of the race.

It’s a hostile tribe that set up shop in their backyard, and as left in peace as long as they kept the peace. After they joined the Horde and attacked the goal was to solve the problem and getting them out of there, but I don’t remember comments on killing children etc.

Of course we only have the Night Elf PoV, but that’s really not as clear a case as you claim.

Sure again, genicide. The question was if it was aimed at full extermination, though. Also, I might add, this is mainly an elven project, the guys who didn’t let anyone else into their homeland originally, and who were part of the Horde when the problem came up again.

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That’s fine. You are also wrong. Not subjectively wrong, but objectively and factually wrong. You are the one in the wrong here, no one else, so if you don’t believe in something, why insert your snide comments into it?
I mean you must be aware of what it is you do not believe in?

Tough luck cupcake, you’re still 100% wrong. “I don’t care about your facts, and about what the people who actually decide what happens in the game world say!” Could you sound any more Echo-Boomer?

You’re rather amusingly wrong, in a semi-racist way. Pandaria is -based- on Asian influences, and why not? Dwarves are based on Scottish influences, Trolls on Caribbean, Tauren on Native American culture? I mean these are all Vanilla races, so presumably tickle your mistaken pickle?

If you actually -knew- anything about Asian Culture, you would not have made such a crass statement, as there are quite a few things in there that most definitely would not appear in an ‘Asian themed’ game. Say, what happens to a character when they die in MoP? Nothing that is palatable for the Asian market, that’s for sure. In fact banned in the Asian market as an in game depiction.

I take it you never played Vanilla onwards then, and are ignorant of the Bronze Dragonflight, and Steam Tanks, and Gyrocopters, you know, things that have been around since the WC games, before Vanilla even existed?

Just days? Pfft, Amateur. But that’s a tendency of the young, no patience. Interesting you chose the arbitrary cut off point of 4.2 There was some shocking lore both after and before then, but then, it seems like caring about the lroe of Warcraft is not your strong point. That’s fair enough.

Why be sorry? You say this as if Vanilla, TBC and WotLK were any different? Gotta tell you champ, they weren’t.

Genius. Absolute genius. Uses the word ‘butthurt’ calls people ‘Milennials’ I’m not sure you realise the irony there, given that such is a millennial insult… Not sure how to break this to you, but unless you are over 40, you -are- a Millennial, or Generation Y, or Echo-Boomer, or Snowflake, call it what you will. All means the same thing. If you are over 40 (takes a bow) then you are Generation X (we don’t get a cool tagline name like everyone else), and if between 55 and 80, you are an actual Baby Boomer. The chances are possible, but unlikely, that you are Generation Z, who generally are the children of Generation X parents, or older Generation Y/Millennial parents. Little is known of Generation Z in terms of demographic, as they’re not adults yet.

That…really isn’t how making a point or proving it works, you know…

Good show, maybe this time you will stay away from it, with your Millennial claptrap ( not so funny when you get mocked, is it, do you feel…‘Butthurt’?) Honestly, don’t use an internet phrase coined in late 1998 to try and look older than you are…

According to Araphant, Genn Greymane is the God Emperor of the Universe. Just saying.


Not just Araphant. Genn Greymane has absolute dude status. Him the best. Well, joint best.


and I was clearly being ironic as well. I have given my opinion on that theory already in an earlier thread.

No wait, you weren’t being ironic were you? :wink:

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Hell no, I am a devout Greymanite.

As for your irony, I am afraid I did not catch it, as I was only skimming. Forgive me. :cry:


Ah ****, here we go again.


‘What i want is my Horde back’
Since Anduin left the door open he accepts it.
Horde extermination is not an Alliance war objective after that.

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It is. If you’re aiming the younglings you’re basically forcing a race to die out. I wouldn’t throw a big issue if dwarves targeted adults - but they’re purposely targeting kids. This is hands down one of the most f-ed up quest in game period.

Well then Horde solved the problem of humans getting out of Theramore. But you didn’t hear threads after threads commenting how vile Alliance is for assauling and wiping out entire hub. No you keep on hearing how Horde was vile for nuking military base that had 2 years (not weeks) of open warfare.

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Sadly that’s true, I blame Blizz for giving the alliance a naive child as blue warchief.

Gotta love Trolls playing the victim card.

Vol’jin got his throat cut buy a lame warrior and almost died if not for the player rescuing him. Until he becomes a Loa or something he is nothing.
Talanji is indeed quite powerful, but she has yet to display what the other 3 have.

The Shatterspear Trolls were allowed to live peacefully in Darkshore for many years, the were targeted by the Night Elves when they assisted Garrosh with the Invasion of Ashenvale during ‘‘Wolfheart’’. They also breed like bunnies since the survivors returned and assisted Sylvanas during the War of Thorns. They are not victims, they forfeited their rights for safety when they helped the enemy and started expanding and conquering Darkshore. And please don’t use the Night Elves have been eradicating trolls for millennia argument since those were a very different group of Elves. The Night Elves only show violent tendencies when their lands get invaded,they are not aggressors.


You don’t just “get them out of there”, you trample them to death with a huge tree. The entire village. Read the comments, some of the players felt quite bad about this.


How can you quote Chronicles Vol 1 as a way to reason that trolls are by nature “violent and xenophobic”, and at the same time say that Night elves were never really the aggressors?
Thats around the time night elves laid their claim to most their current lands under Azshara. And didn’t do so by asking nicely…

Those are some double standards mate.

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Thank goodness there are nelfies to invalidate perfectly vaid claims!

Yes, and? Night elves assaulted orcs that merely went for lumber and were throwing their soldiers at them ever since, we don’t know the background of the nelf/ shatterspear relations but according to alliance players wiping out enitre hub is always wrong.

“Breeding like a bunnies” is not a god damn excuse. If anything War of Throrns was their payback.

So be careful what you wish for.

Oh really? Their very beginnins were about expansion at all cost.
And even after the saundering they attacked guys that went just for lumber.

Orcs had every right to NOT know that these were occupied territories. Unliked Highborne dorks that were damn sure aware that the other continent was occupied by the spicies they even had a deal with.

How does that distinction matter? For trolls you took a more sweeping statement that went straight for the race, while based around the stuff their kind did in the past.

If that’s enough to describe their whole people, then same logic applies for Night elves.

And its not as if the current Night elves are just giving up most their lands that were taken from someone else (trolls mostly), while under Azshara.

PS: Also, many that are part of the Alliance currently, weren’t as detached from Azshara as you think. Specially since Cataclysm and the inclusion of Mordent and his people. Let alone what i already mentioned regarding their behaviour with the territory they gained under her.