Asmongold is switching to FF14

Did he actually stream anything?

Don’t think he has yet. He says he will start from 1 to 3 weeks.

Pfff so We just make 326 lengh post about stream that doesn’t exist?
When somone ask what I love about this game - it’s forums.

Pretty much. I have no idea why this has so many replies, but i guess we are adding to the problem. XD

Asmongold fanbase is mostly comprised of WoW players. He made a fortune out of this game, there’s no way he is going to leave WoW for good.

Calm down folks, hate him or love him, he’s here to stay.

Btw. love Your guild name. Best I ever seen.

I see we got some synergy going there. XD

Yep - posting about things that doesn’t exist :stuck_out_tongue:
What if I make topic about “This guy play DC online, WoW ded”?

No, I think it is more judging with awareness and possession of factual knowledge, which is, the definition of judgment, and being able to form a judgment. I think if you actually visibly witness a thing, you can say a thing happened. I mean…that is a staple of most courts of Law. I mean that is -why- Courts call people to bear Witness. Or are you saying this does not apply to Streamers?
Because that is weird…

Well, actually, you don’t know me. You cannot possibly have formulated an accurate opinion on me in the slightest, and even if you think you could. My definition of a parasite (Which happens to marry up to the dictionary definition of the word ‘parasite’ ) is actually correct. ‘Trash’ is my subjective opinion. ‘Parasite’ however is an objective statement of fact.

Do you realise your problem there?
“He is among the most honest, down to earth dudes on internet platforms which are renowned for people not being honest and down to earth”

You are figuratively (Because unlike Asmongold, I like to use words correctly, so did not type ‘Literally’) saying, that “In a place where people are known for being dishonest, you can definitely trust him! Honest you can!”

Oh do you actually want reasons? I mean I can supply them. Will you listen? Will it matter? Or will you ignore them because you wish he was your friend in real life?

Lets go with those reasons though.

  1. He has no sense of personal responsibility. He is happy to stir up his drones, kick them into a frenzy and unleash them. He does absolutely nothing after that point, rather than brazenly washing his hands and going “Wasn’t me Guv’nor!”

  2. He does actively disrupt the game. I mean he doesn’t even make a secret of it. “I mean guys, it will probably disrupt the server, but ultimately, eh, who cares”.

  3. He’ll happily conduct an empty chair, voice altered conversation with someone who runs a group that …shall we just say, may have bad lifestyle choices regarding people too young to be called adults. I’m trying to dance around the exact wording, because Blizzard are scared of the word for those type of people. But he’s cool to publicise that. That video is still up to view. Thats actually there. He gave such a person airtime. If you think -that- is OK, then…seriously, stop and have a think.

  4. Apparently things that he is OK with, given that he didn’t rein his fans in whilst leading his merry parade to disrupt an RP server include: Homophobia. Anti Semitism, agreement with 1930’s German Politics, Genocide, Racism, Misogyny (And inexplicably at the same time Misandry!) Forcible violation of people of any gender, and in one disturbing instance, a toddler,

5.The very next -DAY- he released a Stream saying “I’m tempted to go mess with them some more, lets do that”.
So he Knew. He knew all that had happened, and he was cool with it.

So -that- is what you are backing here. Are you that guy? Do you seriously think all that stuff is cool? Because…man, that’s a lot of luggage to unpack from your head if so…

An “Honest, down to earth dude?” I don’t bloody think so. He sounds like the very offal of the human race.

Nope. They were quite possibly a lovely person, but I have absolutely no idea who you are talking about. So I’ve got nothing. They could equally have been a thorough douchecanoe, however unlike Asmongold, I have not got any personal frame of reference, So someone died. That is a tragedy. That’s sincere. Someone dying is never funny. Unless it’s Hitler. Or Stalin…or Oh you get the point… Some dude on the Internet died, which is obviously not cool and not funny…I mean it just isn’t. It will cause heartache and grief to their families and loved ones. And nobody wishes that on other people.

I believe we have highlighted your problem there…

If that is where you are getting all this from then…that there, right there, is your problem.

Can we not use that phrase. It just doesn’t stand up to any critical analysis. They are not a content creator. What is the amount of content they are creating?

I’ll give you a clue, it is a round, hollow number, that is between 1, and -1.
They’re not a content creator, they are -just- a Streamer…

There is absolutely nothing, not a single word in that entire statement, that I cannot just look at without thinking “I Agree absolutely with everything you have stated there.”

Wow…Are you…are you trying to give us an -example- of Asmongold drones? Because that…that sounds like one. I mean that ending was amazing “Are you a girl?”

Girls are pretty awesome, I like Girls, some of them can absolutely kick behinds and take names. I mean, I find some of them pretty, but also some of the fiercest best fighters, who absolutely will not take any crap, but can dish out a world of pain are girls, It’s usually the same type, which is a ‘me’ problem, but seriously “Are you a girl?”

Man, I wish I was as cool as some of the girls I know…


Ya better stop talking trash about my slav cousin.
Trash. (subjective statment)

Flattry will get You nowere Brigante.


Who is Asmongold?

Does he drop good loot?

Sadly just pepsi cans.

No, that’s his problem…his media personality was invented by him…and he likes to wind the crazies in his fanbase up to fever pitch, point them at a target, then pretend it’s nothing to do with him… that’s goldplated d’baggery, right there.
Even the squirrel in his garden, lobs stuff at him on a regular basis.


I for one admire your entrepreneurial spirit anyway… perhaps, if the room had faced the street?
However, it has to be said that RL is a P2W MMORPG…grind mechanics are everywhere and endless…not to mention permadeath?!..Devs need to have a word with themselves.

I don’t get how this glorified neckbeard gets so much attention and praise.

Maybe it’s of the human nature to make, hmm, how can i put it in an euphemistic way? … unpleasant people famous.


Wish the word triggered would be banned from the forum then people might have to be educated and learn to debate in a civil manner .

The streamer is question is not very nice at all and if its an act well why do it ? why not be the real you instead of making people hate each other .


I’ll give you an example of an “acceptable” offensive joke.

One of my favourite TV moments of all time was on the show “Father Ted” You probably don’t know what it is being from Eastern Europe.

Type on youtube “I hear you’re a racist now father: Father Ted”. The point is the main character was being very racist towards Chinese people and it doens’t turn out well for him, You will see it if you watch it.

Now someone randomly doing that isn’t funny. However we end up laughing at the main character due to him being an idiot and it going wrong for him because he’s the village idiot for acting/thinking that way. We’re laughing at him not with him. You see the difference?

The west isn’t like you’re reading in your books about being offended by everything, There is context behind it. Randomly acting like a village idiot you get laughed at.

What’s funny is the whole thing about you doing slurs around your town and your comments about it, Reminds me of that scene.


Its one of those words that people truly don’t understand because its got its “new” meaning over the internet. Sometimes you can’t even genuinely reply to people to see why they hold their views without them coming back and saying stupid stuff like “TrIgGeReD LoLoLoL” because they can’t form an argument to back themselves up.


The usual “why you so triggered you snowflake” shows they lack any debate skills and just seek to inflame and try and demean the other poster .
Or the use of "mate and “son” in the hope they will be perceived as the more dominant poster and therefore correct ,


It just gets boring because it’s the same thing 90% of the time you deal with someone online, They all use the same words and phrases over and over again, It’s like talking to the same person 1000x over. Originality is dead.