My apologies in advance but before trying is there a way to be sure you’ll be ok in M+?
I’ve done a bit of LFR and normal dungeons are significantly easier than when I started. However I don’t want to be ‘that’ person that underperforms. Got timewalking done each time and the dinar pieces along with boe’s from the AH.
It’s a faceroll since you can get your +2 or +3 run full of high ilvl players farming valor, just put “valor farm” or “2k io noobs only” in description
I think you’ll be more than fine aslong as you do not ignore every single mechanic in a +2/3 Gear wise you have enough for keystone master and above but you need the experience first of course.
Check a tactics video for all the dungeons and you are good to start! every + is basically an increase in dmg and health of mobs, affixes are the thing you need to relearn every week.
I feel a lot more confident to give this a try. Thank you for your help.
I’m going to try Karazhan because I remember it from the Hearthstone expansion a few years ago and it seems cool. I’ll put something like I’m learning or free cookies to tempt ppl
A group of guildies who were regularly doing 15s and playing alts carried me through low M+. As I got used it, they then also carried me through a 15 a week to gear me up to scratch. They gave me advice about mechanics etc.
I won’t pug M+ but I am now confident enough to join 15s as a helpful member rather than a carry.
Well the problem is that besides Tazavesh there are no m0 equivalents this season, so for the other dungeons you’ll just have to learn the ropes in a +2.
Also I don’t know how many people are running m0 at this stage of the season anyway.
+2 is quite useless for some dungeons. If you do the route people usually do in grimrail above 10s, in a +2, you’ll end up not being able to complete the dungeon.
Likewise, in Iron Docks on +2 it’s not particularly important to do the iron stars right because you’re just murdering everything either way while pressing W.
Last expansion i was tricked. It was eant to be just a BG group and he joined us in mechagon i think it was worskhop +4 as my first one. I did it no bother and we timed it but I coudnt jump over that electric spinny thing the key holder went ape over that… Then it gave me a plus 7 for the dungeon nobody wanted so I just did +0 for the monthlys after that. I dont dig afflictions so havent been this year. Was even offered a carry and turned it down so the other guy could go.
Well you’ve just answered yourself. With that mentality, I’m sure you’ll do great. Usually people that don’t want to be the underperformer are the ones who look up at tactics, use consumables, basically do some preparation before joining a high key.
Normally I would have suggested to start with +2/+3 keys, but it’s the end of the patch and people are overgeared for a +2 like yourself and the adds/bosses will die very fast and you won’t learn the spells and abilities.
That’s why I’m suggesting to start with +10s so you can get all affixes. The mobs will last longer so you can do your rotation, learn mechanics, etc. And they are not that hard.
If you want you can add me so we can do some M+ together or explain some mechanics => Pufarina#2719