Azerite In character

No, this isn’t a thread about someone role playing as Azerite… yet.

I was just curious as to how much folks are using Azerite in character, either as weapons/fuel or as plot points for events/campaigns.

Initially when I read Before the Storm I made an assumption that Azerite was likely to be quite rare, only really appearing in Silithus thus it was unlikely we, the average scrubs of Azeroth, would ever get a hold of anything more than a slither. However it has become quite apparent that Azerite likes to pop up wherever Azerite pleases. It is prevalent in each BfA zone including Darkshore and given that a lot of mission table missions reward it for battles across Azeroth… well it just seems more accessible than I initially, wrongly, assumed.

So, anyone using any?


I’ve used a small amount for a plot point in two events. Nothing as excessive as what we see in game, but little slivers here and there in correlation to a few things in Before the Storm, such as its liquid form and the fact that it neutralizes poisons.


Vakosh avoids the stuff whenever he can.

Growing up on tales of seemingly beneficial magic turning into the stuff of nightmare, he has a healthy respect for something that seems just a little too good to be true. This includes wonder-ore that just springs out of the ground for the benefit of whoever gets to it first.


Given how she thinks it’s bloody dense to excavate the apparent blood of a dying world and throw lives away to control it after the demons just finished culling the armies of the world, it’s something to avoid.

On the other hand, new power is good and useful, but at what cost? We get new tanks but will any of it work when the worldsoul dies from our enthusiastic exploitation? The enemy clearly has no regard for life and consequences so racing them to the bottom isn’t viable but we still have to win.

Better stick to the devil we know and apply the worst of our existing magics whilst figuring out how to deny the horde the advantage. Maybe there’s a way to render the azerite inert or corrupt it into uselessness? Scorched earth to deny the horde seems perfectly necessary and moral, even as it leaves a few nodes, seams and veins shimmering green with the Fel.

She’s nowhere near any position to have a say but freely grumbles about impending doom and gloom while the world burns. It’s as natural as breathing by now.


Uruk doesn’t personally use Azerite but he realizes its importance, hence why he joined the Champions of Azeroth and its subgroup the Voice of Azeroth. He helps them by searching for, and locating the emergences of azerite whenever he can and helping the group with securing it for the good of Azeroth. He also hunts down those who would use the azerite to harm the world further such as the followers of the old gods.


Due to the Bilgewater Cartel being the main producers of Azerite weapons for the Horde, the Battalion have some Azerite weaponry of our own but we don’t just throw it about casually and whenever someone does get out the azerite bombs and throws them willy nilly we show the drawbacks of Azerite weapons such as Azerite leaking from a rifle or not anticipating just how big the blast zone of an Azerite bomb is. We do a little bit of Azerite research but not too much as it gets boring if Azerite is the new gold.


So your character isn’t willing to use the blood of the world, but is willing to pump it full of Fel just to spite the horde? These morals seem a bit opposed to one another.

At this point I’m pretty sure that anyone who isn’t a regular ol’ townie has odds of running into Azerite. I don’t put gobbos above launching a series of Azerite-based products for profit either, nor do I presume gnomes to be above experimenting with it as much as possible.

Personally, I have yet to use it (mostly because of it not fitting any of my characters, so far), but I might think of doing something with it soon dot tee emm

Not spite but to deny them the resource. Allowing them to freely carve up the world and potentially kill it is unacceptable and they cannot be expected to stop because there is no bottom to the barrel. Extreme measures are needed. Destroying the azerite to disarm the horde and prevent them from killing the planet is rational.

But the planet is gonna die if you corrupt all of its blood.

Corrupting 30% is better than the horde carving out 50% and killing it. A couple of barren zones is better than mad max. The horde has proven it/themselves entirely irrational, ruthless and uncaring of life so searing shut the azerite deposits is reasonable.

If I had a choice between losing a large amount of my blood and losing a smaller amount of my blood but then having the rest be full with 50 STDs I’d go for the former, I think.
The latter would kill you quicker.

Not that it really matters, Azeroth is dying either way, according to spoilers.

I seriously doubt that.

Well, these are the opinions of a woman who seriously considered blowing up the house of nobles during Legion to both kill self interested distractions and all obvious nathrezim infiltrators in one Fel swoop to keep them from influencing the high king during the critical time of the long awaited global demonic siege. She’s a bit loopy from all the nonsense that keeps happening every year.

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Oh, of course there’ll be a device of the plot, maybe discount khadgar will sacrifice himself or something and regular khadgar will be the chadgar again.

Who’s a discount Khadgar now? Is there some meme im unfamiliar with?

Diamond boi essentially replaced Khadgar.

I’m personally betting on Magni being corrupted along with the azerite and the world soul, becoming a raid boss whom we tragically kill as he tries to “defend” her from our imagined corruption. He hears her voice and she/n’zoth tells him we’re the real monsters.

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Whatever happens, I doubt that Azeroth will get corrupted seeing as we, the champion hold HoA and not Magni. I can see him being corrupted and killed but not Azeroth.

At the end of the expansion we funnel all the azerite of the heart to the almost corrupt soul so as to heal and save it. Thus the amulet is depowered and we lose our fancy gear just in time for the return of kel’thuzad expansion.

William and the Gang now have a few chunks of azerite from our participation in rppvp in desolace, and the first thing he’ll be trying to do is sell it on.

He thinks its dangerous to hold on to a material thats so heavily sought out by powerful factions around Azeroth, which at the same time makes it worth quite a bit of gold.

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