Azerite Incursion: Endgame

Finally, the end of the scenario is here!

Last time, Alliance and Horde heroes uncovered a dire plot against Azeroth. Uncovering artifacts and secrets, they’ve learned that the evil cult is gathering a bigger attack force. A number of masses will get their attention, so instead of attacking head-on, Karzhuk deemed strategically better that he and three more of his allies would sneak into the cultist camp, and reveal what plot they’ve prepared against life on Azeroth!

OOC: Hey guys! Thanks for attending, and bearing with me on my first big scenario so far. There will be no fighting on this scenario this time, and it’ll take 4 total members to play. Two from Alliance, which is Xarthat and another Ally character. And Karzhuk, with a Horde backup as well. The four individual will explore, and go through a stealth mission to finish the cult’s plan.

The event will be held at Sholazar Basin, at 8 PM Server Time, on 27th July! It will probably take shorter than the usual events as well!

If you got any questions, please ask, I’ll do my best to answer


Meanwhile, today the Alliance side will try another filler event. Last week’s had to be cancelled due to low attendance, but I hope a few more people will show up. This Saturday, 8 PM in the Argent Dawn building in Cathedral District of Stormwind, everyone is welcome. You don’t have to have been a part of this before. We’ll fill you in on Azj’Aqir.


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