Back after a 2 yr break, confused


Im back to the game after a few yrs and i can see that all specs now get all the Spells-abilities for that class? Before you choose the spec you want and you get all the abilities for that spec, only. Do i now need to use all the spells for that Bracket. ie, playing Warrior - Fury. do i need to use all the “Warrior” abilities on action bar? Im sorry if this is not worded correctly and appreciate any help

Nah, we were given a lot of flavor abilities. Look at hunters, they rarely scare beasts or control their pets nowadays, both are niche. Same for you, Slam is not part of fury rotation, but Ignore pain might save your life. That said, if unsure, look up Wowhead or Icy Veins for class guides and they’ll mention if this or that spell has a use for you.

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Skills and talents have changed, many, many websites tell you this, I suggest you go and look.

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