Balancing is trash, game is unplayable

That made no sense. RoTS is on a 1 min cd. Druid can pop it every go. Are you telling them to kill a Guard. Druid without offensive CDs?

And the fact this got 13 favs…

Forums are filled with 1k people it seems.

You put fire mage in the same bracket as SP and Warlocks. Sit this one out, buddy.

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Guardian did feel pretty bonkers for skirmish yes, but as pointed out in this thread, just dont hit into legacy and he wont will a fury for ages outside of berserk so :slight_smile: but legacy needs some looking into as alot of other stuff

Oh yeah, i should’ve articulated an opinion based on Skirmsh and BGs. Sorry, i forgot about the parameters of viability for 1k people.

Hard to get down to that level.

You have a very strange ego considering I’m higher exp on your main class and I haven’t even touched it since the end of Legion loool pipe down you muppet and stay in your lane. You’re literally sewer water. The fact the only time you’ve been 2.4+ was in 2v2 in Shadowlands season 2 says absolutely everything about you that needs to be said lmao.

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But what is most important is that I am having an absolutely glorious time. :partying_face:

Well thanks for explaining why you are overall clueless about Warlocks in general but that wasnt the subject of the discussion.

And please; get rid of that habit of adhering to ad hoc intead of providing reasonable arguments. Its flat out embrassing how obvious you do this.

I’m crying… no… not from laughin 2 hard…Because im Frost… and i thought i could pvp like the good old days…
Still , it was good Graziol, i may chuckled a bit while wipping the tears outta my ugly face.

Being better than you at your own class explains it? Hahaha.

Wasting time on people like you and Naze is pointless. You’re two of the worst, most biased and delusional players ever. Stay in your kennel and stop barking at your owners.

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Please, more ad hoc to show how clueless you are about Warlocks. People love seeing stuff like this.

Oh and sir boomer; things have changed alot since Legion. You might wanna try googling Warlock spells :wink:

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Yeah, Demo used to be hard to play, and now it’s an npc simulator for dogsh*t warlocks like you who don’t know how to kite on an Affliction :rofl:

It’s ok bro I understand your anger to the world. If i was a 2k 3v3 lock after playing both SL and BFA I’d probably be looking to blame everybody and everything else too.

Slow down with your posting, you’re going to have more posts than arena exp soon.

Woof woof.

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Yeah, pressing coil, 3x DB and CW was so difficult :DDDD Its amazing how clueless you are about Lock with confidence.

And the ad hoc continues. Still not able to create a single sensible argument on the subject matter huh?

Clueless about lock yet better than you at it. Must be embarrassing for you :\

You’ve already received sensible arguments in multiple threads from multiple players that are 10x better than you. Your naivety, biased comments and delusion have shown that you are not worth giving sensible arguments to because you will look to dismiss them. All because you can’t accept the fact that you are a horrendous player. :slight_smile:

Why is everyone so angry? While warlock is a very good class atm.
I think we should all agree that before we nerf any other class - we must delete the rogue class from the game and make it unplayable for a expansion :pleading_face: :pleading_face:


I strangely found zero rogue to be 10x less obnoxious to play against since SL ended. Maybe the bigger hp pools now give more room to counterplay, dunno.
But to keep it on topic, they need to do something with tank specs more then any other class right now, more then DH even.

I saw plenty of streamers and R1 players having degenerate fun on guardian tyese days, and destroying good people 1v3 with little punishment for anything. Plenty of deffensives all on short CD, insane sustain damage, noncasted healing, etc.

Season starts in what, 4 days?
Hope something is done soon. Meeles are unplayable against this stuff, most classes burst CDs are on much longer CD then guardian deffs, and its a stretch to kill one even with full burst, let alone without.

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There are definitely coming another round of tuning before season starts, as that is quite normal.
However one should keep in mind that classes should be tuned for having 4 set as well. Aka we must nerf rogues to the ground! :pleading_face:

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Don’t worry, google exists, its just a phase. You will one day learn the ins and outs of Warlocks.

Still yet to hear one solid argument from you on the subject matter. All I get is ad hoc.

Like I said, people better than you have already given you the arguments I would, but because you’re a biased moron that’s trash at the best caster in the game you dismiss them. Get out my mentions unless you want coaching.

Come on, i swear to you its not that difficult to come up with just a single rational idea on the subject matter. Just one. I am even willing to lend you a hand.

Get off the forums and go and learn how to play your broken class. I’m not coaching you and giving you ideas for free :rofl: