Bartender4 allows to cast ground-targeted abilities on selected target/focus

So if you use Bartender4 and hold down Alt(default self-target key) and cast any ground-targeting spell(hunter traps, flamestrike, infernal strike, etc.) it will cast under the selected target. More so if you enable Focus-Cast by modifier in Bartender4’s Bars setting then you can cast under focus with Ctrl+Alt or Shift+Alt modifier. Is this legal or an exploit?

That doesn’t sound possible. The only reticle conditions for spells are @player your feet and @cursor where your mouse is.

I know, one person came in ru forum with similar topic, i replied just as you did, but went to test it and it works. So I, uh, went to ask a greater community.

Because it would make life much more easier in many cases if it is legit, but I don’t want to risk it. One thing I came up to is this might be some gamepad functionality implemented.

The TLDR on policy is, if its possible to do in game via addons it’s not a violation. Blizz will break any commands that are doing things they don’t want, like they did with friendly nameplates and nameplate distances etc.

i just tried that on my hunter

using both self-target and focus modifiers for traps, seems it doesn’t work anymore

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