Battle for Darkshore Heroic?

Horde has the warfront for a couple of more days, and blizz still makes sure that Alliance will get this first. Also Alliance will now get upgraded rewards for killing horde in warmode again.

Well, its no doubt they are favouring alliance.

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And reset is tomorrow meaning you guys still get a chance at the item, so really do not see the issue as you’ll have it up again before the item truly matters i.e next weeks reset when Mythic opens.

Again it’s a stupid argument to be having.

I see hordie tears here :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

No we wont.
onyl NEXT time its up for horde we will get it.

if this happend to alliance youd complain just as hard or harder then people you complain about.

Yea, we are the weak and noob faction hence we need some priveleges.

It won’t be a problem for the great Horde, why do you cry :thinking: you can obtain equal gear in 1 week via raid, we will wait 2 months to do heroic :stuck_out_tongue:

I stand corrected then.

We already did, when WF’s were originally released, with us getting an ilvl req for our alts.

Still it remains a stupid argument, you will get your turn soon enough.

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Im pretty sure if Alliance had the warfront up now, with 2,5 days left of it, you would have got the heroic version tomorrow.

We dont, first we have 2,5 days of normal warfront, then you have like 5 days of contribution, then 6 days of warfront normal/heroic, then we have 5 days of contribution and then we get it.

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Not really, Alliance never gets special treatment so why start now. If anything I’m surprised they don’t let Horde get the quest and HC WF as is.

Aight, you get it in two weeks. Big deal. Still won’t matter in the overall outcome of World First race etc.

Wanna continue moaning over a game? Or?

We actually get it right now.

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Yep. Can confirm Horde is getting 460ilv pcs of gear for free.
This is a compensation for free 400 ilvl pcs of gear for Alliance when BoD was released.

Well we got it, only right thing to do. All good mun.

Alls good then :>

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