Battle for Undercity broken

still bugged xD

Holy moly I just finished it! It still is bugged, but somehow stars aligned.

As you can see at the top of the screen, you’ve not finished all the encounters. While you’ve finished the inner sanctum, you’re missing the graveyard at the top (the huge mob waiting after the gates). Once you’ve done that event, the triggers for the royal quarter will start.

So I’ve hearthed, abandoned the quest and am now stuck forever in the wrong phase. I can’t travel to irisfall glades because portals hop me in UC and the zepps dont work in orgrimmar, which is phased as well… How am I supposed to talk to the reset phase NPC when I cannot get to him? You should have put a reset guy where the portal exists in UC as well.

Exit through the sewers.

So I’ve also aborted the quest and ported out. Now I can’t get back to the start because I can’t restart the quest with Thrall. What now?

No need for some nuclear physics tactics. I play Horde on Gehennas and did q without problems doing this…

The first time I started q waited probably 1h on Thrall and he did not show up. So I talked with npc Zidormi, she is located near the first Undead banner under a huge light ray You can’t miss her :joy: Talk with her to put u on current time before Battle for Undercity! That is how u will be able to take Zeppelin, using Ah all the stuff that you were not able to do during the quest even Orgimmar is okay.

Then take Zeppelin to Orgimmar and again Zeppelin to Undercity!
Then again speak with Zidormi to put u back in Battle for Undercity time and Thrall will be there.

I assume the portal that Thrall gives u makes a bug and you can’t continue forward with the quest because he phrases u in some weird timeline.

You can maybe skip my step by skipping Thrall portal and straight taking Zeppelin and when you’re there talk with Zidormi to phrase u in time BFU. And dont run from Thrall and Sylvannas where they going u follow them. gl!