Battle Ground feature- please add this blizzard

Please add a feature to either blacklist people from the enemy team that you would not wish to meet in battle grounds.
either this or just let us filter battleground queues to certain regions (just like you could filter language in LFG)

ever since Russian region joined the EU region server wise, i end up meeting 60-80% Russian premade teams. in the past people would at least try fight off a premade but nowadays people are just demoralized instantly and start leaving as soon as they see its a Russian premade.

Battlegrounds are in the all time low point from anytime i have ever played wow, its bad enough that BGs are down to be a fun only activity as rewards do not scale past very low item level, the little amount of fun you could have is just being ruined by waiting 15 minutes queue just to meet a Russian Premade.

now, premades have been a thing for a long time, but i have not seen a single non russian premade in bfa.
Please let me flag either region or player/account (less effective) that i could at least get a decent battleground experience for once.

I know this will be ignored or flagged as racist or some kind of anti russian thing, it really is not, i just have to get this out finally as i have been thinking like this for a very long time.

Peace out.

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What’s your method of identifying whether it’s a premade team or not?

coordination, 1 tank going for objective while everyone else surrounds him preventing anything to interrupt him on his way, and once he is safe they will continue onward to GY spawn camp to keep anyone from doing anything else. this is mostly in WSG obviously, which seems to be happening over and over vs premades. also its usually 5-6 players from the same guild (yes i know they only have small amount of realms so them being from the same realm means its not 100% premade) As people stated countless before, if you believe it is just coincidence or unintended issue due to russian BG only queue russians together to face other teams, maybe blizzard should change that and mix them like normal battlegrounds do ? pretty sure when they act like i mentioned above or when they roam in balls of death all together in other bgs it is way more coordinated then a Random Battle Ground is meant to be played. Either that or Bring us solo BG queue that wont allow grouped queue. let groups meet groups and solo meet solos.

yust remowe russ and ther will be no problem

I’m not sure that alone would grant you a decent battleground experience, anymore than toggling nametags off.

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