Battle pet recycle

Hello! I have a suggestion for all of those who don’t like to delete battle pets and already looted the same pet at the end of a dungeon hundreds of times, what about a daily/weekly pet donation quest in exchange for pet charms?
Imagine if the matron now starts accepting battle-pet donations for their orphans, or maybe to help old war veterans that are now lonely and need some company, wouldn’t that be cool.
In exchange we would receive battle-pet charms, maybe reputation and paragon with some cool pet boxes and maybe pet themed mounts!


I’d like a pleasant island, something like Timeless, with pet-loving caretakers, where we can go and let them run free, but your idea is good too!

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The immersion is broken instantly once you realize a random Joe will just pick the closest cheap vendor pet available.

At least require level 25.

But aye.

I’ve had a bigger project but never got far enough. I should still have the .txt somewhere but it looks like you would expect a gnomish engineer’s backup blueprint to look like. Can dig it up if interested.

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Let’s keep dreaming :slight_smile:
As someone has already stated, would be great if we had pet bag for pets, stones , charms. It’s about time devs to implement this in the game.

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