Beating beastmaster hunters

Short summary, how tf do I beat beast/disc comps in 2s, recently started playing a lot more pvp and I enjoy it a lot lately, sitting at around 1750 mmr and 1680 cr. I have my ways around most comps, but never actually meet beast/discs until I do and then we get clapped. I play with a hpala, anyone have some suggestions on who to train and kill in this scenario and cd’s to look out for.

Thanks a lot

I would Tunnel the disc, try too cleave Hunter pet and Kill it (Stop pet rez)[if he use turtle and his heal for a pet rez, try too Kill BM with a Switch and stuns]
Every trap someone need too use a Def Cd…

But i am not a R1 pro

What u struggle the most ?

If your Hpala make some Heroplays pre taunt a pet or sac a Trap, that also Help a lot

Thanks a lot buddy, been playing a few games today against MB’s, pet kill really makes a diff and usually makes the Hunter turtle ress.

I’ve been focusing disc unlike the other games and actually managed to win both games today !

Once again thanks for the friendly advice

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