Best legendary for dual shadow + holy?

I play both specs and would prefer to just focus one legendary. I’m looking at Twin Suns and seems good all round.

Depends on content i guess.
In pvp twins is only good if you play ppl that cant purge/ steal for example

The generic legendaries are quite worthless for PvE for priests, or underwhelming, so you’re better off making 2 legoes, Eternal call to the void/Talbadar for Shadow, and Harmonious Apparatus for Holy. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I would not recommend making etccv. Make Talbs or SFP for shadow in pve.

If you’re pvping. Both specs I believe use sephuz.

Why are you people against Twins, isn’t is pretty decent all round? An extra PI seems very strong.

Because twins are not going to really improve your output. In pvp you wil get purged out of PI so its a wasted lego slot. …if you have all better ones…it has some niche comps to be good at and against but in general i wouldnt craft it first…nor second.

If you’re interested in pve (raids and especially M+) as holy, craft Flash Concentration instead of Apparatus.


Twins sees play in wizard cleaves against teams who don’t have / won’t be in a position to consistently purge you or your teammate. That’s kinda it.

I would go DI for m+ and questing etc. The dps increase is worth it. Two procs and CD’s I have hit 3K+ dps.

You will be best off making 2 legendaries.

Make the one for your most played spec first, you will still benefit from higher ilvl of that piece in the other spec.

You might wanna read up on the leggos that are best for the content you will play.

There is plenty of time before 9.1 to make multiple legendaries.

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Sephuz’s proclamation if you main pvp, Twin suns if you main pve or want to do both pve and pvp

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