BFA on sale but dont want to play it yet

Hi I was waiting for BFA to go on sale before I buy it. Its on sale now but I read on the forums that you can no longer lock xp at 110.

I came back the last month of legion and am still playing through that content so I dont want to level up yet.

Is it possible to buy a BFA key from the store now but not add it to my account until later?


If you buy it now it will be added to your account, you can’t ‘delay’ that, but you can just refrain from doing any BfA content. If you stick to what Legion has to offer, you won’t level up. Additionally, you can lock your exp at 110 so you won’t be gaining any experience at all (just remember to turn that off once you’re prepared for BfA).

We plan to implement a hotfix in the coming days that will disable the ability to turn off XP gains on characters level 110 or higher. Additionally, any character of that level who already has XP disabled will find it automatically re-enabled the next time they log in.

@Kreel: That idea got such a hostile reception that it has been put on ice and the thinking cap back on. There is an additional blue post about that later in the relevant thread on General forum.

Ahem, gift option.

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Guess you’re right, to be honest I am not familiar with the Blizzard store since the last time I bought something from there was over 5 years ago.

You could go and look. It may save you from giving incorrect advice. I’ve seen a few people give it recently to new players.

Hey guys,

Just wanted to confirm this change was put on hold for the time being.

The gift option mentioned by Dottie is also a good idea in this case. By gifting Battle for Azeroth to your own email, as opposed to directly purchasing it for your account, you’d be able to claim the code later on but still benefit from the current sale.


I know the OP’s question is now answered, but just parethetically and for future reference, this is not true, and dangerous advice.

One of my left behind 110s from Legion got to 112 just foofing around levelling pets and doing bits towards her class mount. I should have thought to lock her XP before she hit 111, but that new REALLY ANNOYING “Resource Bar” instead of the old friendly XP bar, made me leave it turned off, and I forgot. Not that big a deal for me, but it would absolutely ruin someone’s character if they were busy in Legion, and dinged.

Thanks for you help guys.

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